Monday 29 February 2016

How to deal with sexual abuse

Sexual harassment is one of the world's most common pervasive problem.It happens to women in every profession,mostly at business places.It's so sad to say that women who are victims of sexuall assault reacts with disgust,anger,depression and humiliation.Sexual harassment destroy young women,they lost their trust and self confidence,self respect driving them to become bitter,withdrawn and ashamed.But since it has become the world's most common problem,how then can young women prevent themselves from becoming victims of sexual assault?

Watch how you relate to work mates:Friendliness is an important quality if you work in a business organization.However you should be able to set boundaries as to the things you like and things you don't. Mind the way you mingle and talk to your colleagues at work.Speak in a way that would not imply sexual openness.Revealing dresses will definitely arouse sexual mood in the other person,be careful about what you wear.

Mind your associates:Choose wise friends.Consider his moral status before forming any close bond with him.

Avoid situations that may result to sexual harassment:Know who you visit,the parties you attend,and who you relate with.At large gatherings especially in clubs, be careful about the amount of alcohol you consume.Do not be influenced by the negative sayings of others.

Dress properly:This is very important if you want to prevent yourself from sexual harassment. You should be able to dress in a way that will not send an improper message to the opposite sex.

Sunday 28 February 2016

The health benefit of eating apple everyday

Apple was formed to add its quota to the well being and good health of every human living. Amongst all other fruit,apple is discovered to be the formost beneficial fruit.These fruit comes in different color shades which includes green,yellow and red with sweet to tart flavors.

It is has been discoverd that regular eating of apple keeps you from health related problems.Apple contains important vitamins and nutrients.These vitamins includes vitamins B1,B2,B6,C,and E.Part of what it also contains includes dextrose,fructose, and sucrose.The mineral substances of apple is not left out,such mineral substances includes calcium,magnesium and potassium.

Since apple produces these much health benefit, it is very important that it should be consumed.However be sure that before eating,your apple should be ripe,stored at room temperature and make sure you chew them well.

It is amazing that apple contains important properties that helps in cleansing the digestive system,helping in curing ailments which includes constipation and diarrhea.

Another important caution is that you watch out for mold.Cut out the spoiled section on your apple,wash properly before being eating to prevent stomach irritation. Make apple eating part of you each day to maintain good health.