Saturday 19 March 2016

How to reasonably use medications

In the world today,thousands have died as a result of taking expired or fake drugs.Modern drugs have done much to help humanity with different ailment,yet just any drug can cause harmful side effect.

Fake medicines are everywhere and can cause tragic consequences, statistics shows that about 100children died of kidney failure after swallowing painkillers containing industrial solvent.Taking just any medication containing sawdust,coffee and dirt can cause skin infections, there are also supposed medications for fighting malaria and yet thousands still lost their lives as a result of taking fake drugs prescribed by just anyone.

How then can you protect yourself from fake drugs and its harm?
Do not use drugs prescribed by just anyone.
Keep your medications in a cool place and out of children's reach.
Do not use outdated medicines.
By from a reputable source,do not patronize road side sellers and those who sells in buses.
Make sure you read and understand the instructions found in the leaflet of on the label before swallowing.

Many prefer injections to medicines,but it has been known that drugs taken by mouth works just the way injection works.Whatever you are given or prescribed by a medical expert should be taken,note "a medical expert".

Drugs do not answer all health issues though,it is adviceable that you eat good food,rest well,drink enough water each day.

Saturday 12 March 2016

How to reduce the risk of heart attack

As a result of the twisted heart muscle, one comes under heart attack.Symptoms can be recognized if the victim feels pain,squeezing,or pressure in the chest,which then spreads to the jaw,arms,shoulders,elbows and the neck.Exhaustion can also be experienced few weeks before one comes under an attack.Vomiting can also occur.But how can the risk be reduced?Well below are various ways by which it can be done.

Smoking contributes to the risk of having an attack because it increases blood pressure.And because of the toxins found in cigarette,it thereby causes damage to the arteries.Therefore it is adviceable to quit smoking.

Another survey shows that stress also increases the risk of heart attack. It causes arteries ladens with plaque to constrict,which in turn decreases the free flow of blood.

Another factor you should consider is weight burning.Excess weight promotes high blood pressure,especially obesed persons.Burn down your weight by regular exercise and reduce junk food intake.You should also be mindful about the amount of salt you consume.

It is also adviceable that you check your blood pressure regularly to know if there are problems that could result into a heart attack.Most especially,you want to be mindful about the way you get angry.Excessive anger and screaming puts one at the risk of having a heart attack.

Thursday 3 March 2016

How to keep your teeth in good condition

Most human today,kids and adults alike,finds it a challenge to smile.And this is as a result of dirty teeth,tooth decay.How then can you protect your teeth.

Proper development of the teeth is achieved when proper diets containing vitamins A,C and D is taken,where as diets and junks filled with excess sugar content,increases the risk of cavities.

It is proper that you maintain good teeth hygiene. Wash your teeth twice a day to preserve your lovely smile.Do you know that brushing your teeth regularly contributes to the strength of your teeth,and support its tissues?Even after eating,make sure you floss your teeth.

Those with tooth decay can apply these instructions, but it is also necessary that you seek the assistance of a dentist.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

How to cope with menopause

Menopause is the absence of menstrual period for 12months.Some women starts perimenopause at 40 and while others for as late as 50.Menopause comes with certain discomfort which includes hot flashes,abnormal vaginal bleeding and change in mood,and as a result sleeping is disrupted and weakness is experienced.While to some other women,due to flunctuating hormone,they experience poor concentration,weeping and so on.

But how can you deal with menopause discomfort?Below are two ways you can.

Do you smoke?,if yes, you should quit smoking.Also take not that taking alcohol,caffine,spicy and sugary food triggers hot flash.Although eating this things is not entirely ruled out,yet it should be taken at the right proportion.

It is also important that you do regular exercise.It helps to reduce menopause discomfort and gives you strength and improves your health.

The fascinating beauty of a robber or coconut crab

Coconut crab is usually found in the island of georgia.Unlike some other crab species,these species comea out at night.You might ask,"why at night?"

Well,coconut crab spend the day deep within the hallow of rotten tress and at night comes out to feed on coconut and other green vegetations.

Coconut crab sheds of its outer casing,growing newer ones.This creature can live as long as 50years.At that time,it legs can be as long as 50cm which is equivalent to 20inches on meter rule.Their shedding of skin usually take place during june and july.

Unlike some other crab,coconut crab has a meaty part located at the rear appendage usually soft and round in shape,and very delicious to taste.

Reasons to maintain proper diet

Human body requires basic nutrients which includes protein,vitamins,and nutrient elements.For example,lack of protein in a child,reduces mental and physical development.Protein,carbohydrates, minerals,essential vitamins,fat,water and roughages are very important.

Inadequate eating of proper amount of food,a balanced one to be candid,increases the chances of malnutrition. For example,when calories are excessively consumed,obesity could result and when that happens,ailments such as diabetes and heart related diseases strikes.That also applies to eating sweet,salt,and excessive alcohol intake.

Therefore,caring parents should be selective about the kind of food their children consumes,as well as themselves. Avoid junk food or too sugary food at all time.Make sure your diet contains all classes of food component and at the right proportion.

Fruits and vegetables are also very important to maintain a good health.