Tuesday 1 March 2016

How to cope with menopause

Menopause is the absence of menstrual period for 12months.Some women starts perimenopause at 40 and while others for as late as 50.Menopause comes with certain discomfort which includes hot flashes,abnormal vaginal bleeding and change in mood,and as a result sleeping is disrupted and weakness is experienced.While to some other women,due to flunctuating hormone,they experience poor concentration,weeping and so on.

But how can you deal with menopause discomfort?Below are two ways you can.

Do you smoke?,if yes, you should quit smoking.Also take not that taking alcohol,caffine,spicy and sugary food triggers hot flash.Although eating this things is not entirely ruled out,yet it should be taken at the right proportion.

It is also important that you do regular exercise.It helps to reduce menopause discomfort and gives you strength and improves your health.

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