Sunday 9 October 2016

Celine dion reveals she is still in love with her late husband.

10 months after the death of her beloved, it is obvious that his memory remains very fresh in the heart of 'My heart will go on' singer, celine dion. Her husband Rene, after 20years of marriage with the 'power of love singer', passed away in january after an unsuccessful battle of throat cancer. Even after returning to the stage, she still couldn't help but think about how much she was in love with him, and how much pain she experienced after his depature.

"Before he left, it was very, very difficult for all of us. For me especially, and my children, to see the man of my life die a little bit more everyday. And when he left, it was kind of relieve for me that the man i love, the only man that i kissed, the only man that i loved. Yeah, i never kissed another man in my life.

So the man of my life, was my partner and we were one. So when he stopped suffering, i said to myself, he's okay. He deserves not to suffer."

True, she returned to the stage, but how well is she willing to put her grief behind and move on with someone else? What she said may suprise you.

"Not now, uh-uhn, i love, i love, i love him. I am still in love with him. And i have the love of my children. I have the love of my fans, i love the people that i work with, so my life isn't empty of love.

But there is a song from ' I go to sleep and imagine that you're there with me.' And i go to bed with him. And i come on stage with him. And so i am still married to him."

Hmmm, celine dion's heart truly will go on, that's the power of love.

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