Saturday 8 October 2016

Improve your relationship rather than breakup

What comes to your mind at first when you discover that your relationship that was once a happy one suddenly turns into a failing one? Is breakup really the answer to every situation? True, there are times when breakup can be the best decision, however, it doesn't mean it's always the best.

Do you love him/her and still wants to be with him/her? I advice you take few minutes to read this.

To fix things, you have to first figure out what is really lacking in your relationship. Think deeply, and if you still can't figure it out, it's time to share. Sharing involves, talking things out with your loved one, and not a THIRD PARTY. Express how uncomfortable you are about the current situation of the relationship and your interest in fixing it.

When conversing, do not make the mistake of finding faults in your partner, try not to condemn. Rather help him see the need to improving, and how glad you will be if he or she does change.

However, there is this tendency in humans. Always finding faults in others while you belittle your own mistake. Take your time to figure out if you are the cause of the relationship collapse. Sometimes, what we say and do can contribute to the downfall of a relationship and can lead your partner to be a little depressed and unsecured. Analyze bit by bit every situation and strive to make personal amendments.

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