Monday 3 October 2016

Lindsay lohan loses half of her finger in boat anchor accident

Last weekend was certainly not a good one for Lindsay lohan, especially when her finger was a little bit chopped off at the tip...Wow,such unbearable pain!

Tmz report tells us that she was pulled into the water after she was twisted by the anchor's rope, and while trying to help herself out of such messy situation, half of her finger was sliced off, the left hand ring finger.

Speaking futher about this incident, she tweeted.

"That is why i shouldn't try to help get the rope to anchor the boat. I lost half of my finger."

Although currently there seem to be a little change in the finger's appearance, as the sliced finger was found and attached together. She shared futher on her snap chat.

"I almost lost my finger from the anchor. Well i lost half of mu finger. Thank goodness, we found the piece of my finger.... i just had surgery to fix it."

Sharing still on snap chat, a picture of the bandaged hand, she attached to it an inscription, describing in few words how she felt.

"It hurt so bad."

We hope you recover safely, as well wishers keep posting her social media accounts, expressing their condolences and wishing her a fast recovery.

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