Wednesday 5 October 2016

'You have to love you' serena williams speaks about body issues

35-years old tennis star, serena williams speaks about overcoming body issues. Speaking about avoidinf haters and loving herself the way she is, she said.

"People have been talking about my body for a really long time. Good things, great things, negative things.... Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. But what matter most is how i feel about me, because that's what's going to permeate the room i am sitting in.

It's going to make you feel that i have confidence in myself weather you like me or not, or you like the way i look or you not, if i do. That's the message i try to tell other women and in particular young girls. You have to love you, and if you don't love you, no one else will. And if you do love you, people will see that and they will love you too."

Serena williams have been on this self struggle of loving herself though. When she was younger she said it was hard seeing other thin athletes when she is big-busted and with muscular curves.

Even now, she gets more curvy and she is currently not scaref of showing off, in an effort to finding peace and loving herself the way she is.

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