Monday 1 August 2016

Beware of love flaws

The truth is,everyone wants to love and to be loved in return. As one matures,the desire to fall in love keeps burning in ones heart like a fire with no water to quench.However,some make little flaws and at the end,you either end up hurting or being hurt.

A famous celebrity in africa said "love is not a garment that should be worn today and tomorrow dumped".

I believe this,and i think time,many jumped into love only to get out so soon.To this end,there are flaws of love you should avoid.


-Wanting to get only the best.

-Going with the wrong motive.

I believe,anyone who wants to fall in love will definitely know what he or she wants.If your heart falls for him or her,avoid rushing, so you do not end up rushing out,thereby hurting someone.Things can change,sometimes it leads to a breakup. But sometimes breakup could be for good,although hearts will be touched, one can end up hating the other even if the breakup came with a good motive.To this end,it is better to analyse your situation before going into a relationship with him or her,so you do not hurt him or her for any reason.Not going in at all is much better than going in and later realize there are no other opinions than to go out.Analyze things,look at your present situation and whats going on around you,check if it will be a barrier of happiness.If it is,then don't, cause sadness isn't what he or she your heart falls for deserves.

Beware that love is beautiful but has it own problems. The fact is,you will not always get what you want.The ability to stay in love triggers your determination to make things right when the harsh side of love comes in.Which is super remarkable for any who can.

Do not fall for looks,or for riches alone and feel you will be happy all your life,no.Rather go into a relationship with the right motive.Let your heart convince you that you have fallen for him or her.

Love is beautiful, do not make mistakes.Cause pain heartbreak brings isn't too cool.

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