Friday 19 August 2016

Single women explains why they have no interest in marriage

It is only natural that as a girl,you have the ambition of growing up to become a young woman,find true love,get married and have kids.However,admits 100 percent of ladies, 15percent decides to give up marriage with includes most female celebrities. You may wonder what their reasons are,few celebrities explain why they refuse to get married.However,names won't be mentioned.

Certain women have grown up to be super rich and famous, loves to do things how they want it and when they want it. To them,sharing their ideas with a man for him to decide as the head isn't just right.As a married person,you will have t cut down some activities you like engaging yourself with while you were single, which they won't like to do,so they chose to remain single.

Commitment seems to be another problem.How do i kiss just my husband all my life,or make love with just him alone all my life,that's impossible. Most single women feel that way.To them they love tasting different varieties of super strong guys to satisfy their emotional needs,even if they have to pay a whole lot of cash to make that happen.

Have you ever felt so classic and outstanding that you feel no man is just right for you? Well don't be amazed, some have the self high esteem that no man seemed to be right for them.Some hates to be controlled, so they withdraw,enjoying all the fun of being a single and sexy looking woman.You must have seen some women with a child but partnerless,well they are just too busy with earning the world,and wouldn't like to share,so they remain single.

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