Friday 29 April 2016

How to enjoy your old age

As years goes by,the older you get.To some, they start thinking about the sadness and loneliness advance age brings.But the reality of it is,we do not try to think if there is any possibility of living happily even when old in age.This is strange,you might say,but is it really strange?Maybe you are at this time very curious as to the possibility of enjoying life even if not to the fullest when old in age.You have come to the right place.You want to find out?Then read on.

Well to enjoy your old age,you do not have to stop completely what you enjoy doing while you were in your youthful age.What do i mean?

Your body still needs enough rest.Many older ones finds it hard to sleep comfortably,but the bottom line is,you should always get enough rest for each day.During evening time,when the sun is down,its is advisable that you go for atleast 20minutes walk,because it is important thay you still exercise even as an old individual.It keeps you less tired and a bit strong.

Make sure you still take food and fruits that contains essential nutrients needed for proper body development.You know one thing fruit does is to keep your skin fresher,though it can look a a bit worn but not complete left malnourished.

Branch out.Call a younger person,tell him or her you will like to go out to have fun.Merely feeding your eyes on beautiful view keeps you very peaceful,calm,and happy.Even while at home,do not be all by yourself,doing say will only make you fall in deep thought and weigh yourself down with anxiety.At this note,you should think about what can keep your spirit alive,could be listening to cool music,or reading stories or magazines you love reading when you were in your youthful age.

You know,one thing i keep telling older ones is,"do not believe you can't do it because you old".You do not have to be lazy about everything, strive to do it,you will get used to it.And one secret i'll like to break out is,you can extend your life span if you put in to good use,these suggestions,you definitely will find your older age much beautiful as if you are still a youth.

Thursday 28 April 2016

The importance of laughing out

World condition and human makeup makes it so uneasy to laugh.But laughter as it is often said,is the best medicine, in that it helps reduce anziety and lifts up your spirit.

One might say,"i don't like laughing".But are you concerned about what anger can do to you.You want to know?

Anger increases the chances of having skin disease,digestive disorder.What about screaming,you are prone to having heart related diseases and worst of all,sadness drives you to deep thought and inturn hypertension.

You want to make it your habit to laugh out loud now right?well its a good one,for it brings lasting relieve to personal problem,and allow you to maintain a friendly relationship with people in the society.

Scientists have proven that laughter helps prevent diseases,it helps the heart in performing its normal duties,that is pumping blood properly thereby nourishing blood cell.It reduces blood pressure and helps the liver perform its duties properly. How good it is to laugh.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

The importance of coconut

The amazing view of a tall tree,with palmlike leaves,bearing green coconut fruit at first,but later yellowish then as time goes on it gets dry and brownish.Coconut taste very good but there are numerous uses of coconut as a whole,but these knowledge are opened to just a few.Are you curios and want to find out?Very good,then read on.

Coconut serves human in endless ways,africans are familiar with making coconut rice,but try this.Instead of making use of mayonnaise, or milk for your salad,crate the whitish part of the coconut fruit,then squeeze out its milk,add to your salad and feel how delicious its going to taste.

Coconut oil when prepared can be used as hair cream and when applied applied to the body nourishes the skin.Eastern part of nigeria are very familiar with this and can testify to its effectiveness.

In some part of africa,it is believed that the liquid found inside a coconut fruit,when taken dulls the brain.But check this out.Do you know that drinking the water produces in you reasonable amount of vitamins and minerals?

Unknown to many,coconut shell can be used to make pendants for necklaces and believe me when shaped into love, it is beautiful.In some traditional part of africa,dried coconut shell can be used to start up a fire.Yorubas of nigeria use it peels for herb.This are just how effective coconut is to humans.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

How to reduce the effect of marijuana

In the world today,there is increased population of smokers.What is considered as what makes this ones high have actually caused death.The effect of marijuana smoking can be very disastrous.At first,it might have little or no effect on you,but internally it does,many have not been exposed to the dangers of smoking marijuana,but read below about few of the effect of smoking marijuana.

Marijuana is made from a plant called cannabis sativa,a mind altering synthetic substance.Do you want to get high or feel good and you feel marijuana is the solution?Why not read on.

Marijuana smoking increases the smoker's pulse rate,keeps the body temperature in an abnormal state.Someone who is very temperamental,smokes marijuana can harm seriously anyone who incurs his wrath,and could kill.There is increased possibility for a marijuana smoker to run insane,cause your way of thinking and acting will be very different from a normal human.One who takes marijuana at a certain time will be more inclined to take harder drugs,but the end result to all of this is death.

Saturday 23 April 2016

The beauty of a giant squid

Giant's squid,looking so much like an octopus is a sea monster,uncommon to the knowledge of many.These can be so huge at the height of about six feet, with glowy eyes and double tentacles attached to its body,with its beak capable of cutting through object as thick as a wire.Super amazingly, it is the most bigest invertebrate sea monster.

Giant squid comes various kinds,but dwells about 1500-3000feet below sea level,onlike the octopus, giant squid has about 10 arms capable of stretching as far as 12feet,with two tentacles that can also stretch as far as 40feet.Around it rims are found two sharp teeth,which aids in catching its prey,even those with slippery skin.

More intriguing is the fact that,giant squid's blood is blue.Its has three heart.Research shows that once oxygen is depleted,it is cycled through the gills by two hearts,pumping it into one gill each,then the systemic heart pumps fresh blood through the tissue.

Like an chameleon, giant squid is blessed with small color cell,giving it the ability to change color which matches to the environment where it is.Surprisingly enough, giant squid's eye are similar to that of a human,having retinas,eyelids and so on,although a bit smaller the size of a human eye.

Friday 22 April 2016

The health benefit of eating banana

Banana comes in various shapes and varieties, taste good and can be good for you.Though it is very much consumed by vast majority of people worldwide,very few knows how valuable it is to our health.

Bananas are right in vitamins A,which is an asset to good vision,boost humans immunity,and helps in cells development.

Another vitamin banana gives is vitamin B,that is energy giving and vitamin C,for proper growth and effective for illness defence.Bananas are also rich in minerals,mineral which includes calcium,phosphorus,iron,and magnessium.

It might interest you to know that those with kidney related disease can eat banana,because of the low amount of protein found in it.Fully ripe ones helps produce fructose,which can be taken by a diabetic patient.Surprisingly,bananas helps fatty and over weight people loss reasonable amount of fat,helps fight diarrhea and constipation. Super amazing, isn't it?

How to reduce the effect of alcohol

For ages,alcohol consumption have been a common way of easing sad feeling,having good time with friends,and to relieve tension.Fine alcohol consumption fits perfectly,but before it becomes a problem in your health,its adviceable that you cut down the regular intake of alcoholic beverage.

Alcohol abuse have been the major cause of death,and basically causing health damages.Part of these health damage you should watch out for includes gastritis,heart related diseases,liver problem, ulcer,pancreatitis, and pneumonia as a result of regular consumption of chill beverages.It is not adviceable also,that women take alcohol. To female who are pregnant, alcohol intake increases the chance of her fetus inside the womb being affected, and when this occurs,at delivery,the child might have a defect.

Alcohol decreases impulse control,exposing oneself to danger and makes one violent,no wonder its a restriction to drink while or before driving.Health is wealth,cut down the regular use of alcoholic beverage of all kind to maintain a good health.

Friday 8 April 2016

How to protect yourself from being infected by flu

Flu is an ailment caused by a virus,attacking the respiratory system,then passed from one individual to another through contact with body fluid,cough and sneeze.

Flu is common during colder months of the year.It is so because a cool weather makes the external membrane of a virus become a protective gel that prolongs the survival of the virus in the air, but then melts in the higher temperature of the human respiratory tract,thereby resulting to infections.

It is possible to protect yourself from flu by preparing before hand.This you can do by sleeping well,eating food capable of fighting flu.Food containing enough protein, vegetables, whole grain,and most especially fruits.

Keep proper environmental hygiene.Make sure your home,inside out is kept clean as well as all kitchen utensils.Wash your hands regularly,dispose all dirt,and avoid contact with an infected persons' body fluid or breath exchange.

Thursday 7 April 2016

How to reduce the effect of migraine

Migraine is a reoccurring severe headache that affects one side of the head,leaving the sufferer uncomfortable.A migraine sufferer can become nauseated and can be effected in vision.These individuals may also be susceptible to irritable bowel syndrome, depressed and perplexed with anxiety.

One can reduce the effect of migraine by first of all avoiding occasions or situations that triggers migraine.It is very important to maintain a regular and normal sleeping routine each week,which is about 8hours per day.

Caffeine also triggers migraine.It is therefore adviceable that you limit the amount of caffeine consumption each day.Avoid starving yourself,and stay out of stress.Always try and maintain a calm state of mind,this you can do by reading a favorite book or novel or listening to a soft music to help ease tension.

Medical attention is very important. Medical experts will be able to prescribe medications that can help fight migraine,therefore you should seek medical attention.

Signs of breast cancer

The war against breast cancer have always been a big struggle. Despite the advancement of medical treatment, breast cancer remains one of the most common cause of death. One research work shows that breast cancer starts with a renegade cell which divides uncontrollably, to form a tumor,tumor which in turn becomes cancerous when its cell invade other tissues.

Scientists are yet to discover a candid cause of breast cancer,although women needs to watch out if there are any changes in their breast and lymph nodes. Part of the changes they should look out for are:
1.Do you feel any thick part on your breast?
2.Apart from breast milk,are there other fluid coming out from your nipple?
3.Are there any changes in color and texture of your breast?
4.Are they very much different in size and weight?

How lassa fever can be prevented

Lassa fever is a disease spread by infected rats which sources are from urine and excrement. This virus can be contacted through direct contact with an infected person,infected food,water,and body fluid(sweat).

Symptoms of lassa virus includes high fever,headache, nausea,diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat, joint and back pain.Acute symptoms includes bleeding from the eyes,nose and ears,as well as having bad sores all over the body.As time progresses, lassa fever throws its subject into coma and eventually death.

Lassa virus can be prevented by regular hand washing,keeping your home and surroundings clean,proper storage of food and water,blocking all rat's entrance,as well as fumigating.Food should be prepared properly,and water should be boiled before drinking.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

A beauty to behold!The world's largest flower

Have you seen a rafflesia?This pretty flower happens to be the world's largest flower which comes in different species,grows in the jungle of southern asia.

The rafflesia grows about a meter tall and weigh about 11kg,beautified with five thick petals,all in pinkish-brown.These petals is capable of holding up to 6 litre gallon of water.

As you can see in the picture,these beautiful flower to behold have no stem,nor leaves,fascinating isn't it?However,the odd's beauty of this flower do not last long.

Monday 4 April 2016

3 Effects of direct sun exposure

Due to the destruction of the ozone layer,humanity now experience direct sunlight.Commonly fair people believes that they should be less exposed to direct sunlight as not to experience a change in skin color.But the damage of sun exposure is more than just a change in skin color.Below are 3effects of direct sun exposure.

Skin damage:statistics shows that about 65,000 people died of skin cancer.This kind of cancer develops as a result of excess sun exposure.If you notice a change of your skin color as a result of sun exposure,that is a sign of skin damage,thereby resulting to cancer.sun exposure also tampers with your skin texture,and weakens its elasticity.

Eye damage:cataracts can be caused by excess sun exposure.

Damage of the immune system:exposure to direct sunlight reduces your body's ability to counteract various illnesses. It increases the risk of being infected by bacteria,fungal and other viruses, which could also result to cancer.

Sunday 3 April 2016

How to protect our health

Personal hygiene is a challenge to many,yet it is wise to maintain good personal hygiene so as to protect yourself against diseases.Below are six ways you can prevent yourself and your family from illnesses.

First aspect has to do with washing our hands regularly with soap and water.This is important because it helps prevent the intake of germs into the body through the food we eat by the aid of of our hands.Washing of hands after using the toilet is also hygienic, and an important part of illness prevention.

Another aspect involves the use of water.Water should be stored in clean jars,and only clean cup should be used for scooping and drinking water from any jar.Cover all jars properly to prevent contamination.

Wash your toilet regularly.This is particularly important to those whose toilet is found right in the house.Keep it clean to prevent diseases.

Food that are raw must be washed properly before cooking.if it is usually eaten that way,washing is also proper.Cook your food very well before eating,if it won't be consumed immediately, store in a refrigerator, so as not to get it contaminated by rodents,flies,or any other animals.

Burn all refuse.dispose all waste water properly,where mosquitoes won't be attracted to it.