Saturday 23 April 2016

The beauty of a giant squid

Giant's squid,looking so much like an octopus is a sea monster,uncommon to the knowledge of many.These can be so huge at the height of about six feet, with glowy eyes and double tentacles attached to its body,with its beak capable of cutting through object as thick as a wire.Super amazingly, it is the most bigest invertebrate sea monster.

Giant squid comes various kinds,but dwells about 1500-3000feet below sea level,onlike the octopus, giant squid has about 10 arms capable of stretching as far as 12feet,with two tentacles that can also stretch as far as 40feet.Around it rims are found two sharp teeth,which aids in catching its prey,even those with slippery skin.

More intriguing is the fact that,giant squid's blood is blue.Its has three heart.Research shows that once oxygen is depleted,it is cycled through the gills by two hearts,pumping it into one gill each,then the systemic heart pumps fresh blood through the tissue.

Like an chameleon, giant squid is blessed with small color cell,giving it the ability to change color which matches to the environment where it is.Surprisingly enough, giant squid's eye are similar to that of a human,having retinas,eyelids and so on,although a bit smaller the size of a human eye.

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