Thursday 7 April 2016

How to reduce the effect of migraine

Migraine is a reoccurring severe headache that affects one side of the head,leaving the sufferer uncomfortable.A migraine sufferer can become nauseated and can be effected in vision.These individuals may also be susceptible to irritable bowel syndrome, depressed and perplexed with anxiety.

One can reduce the effect of migraine by first of all avoiding occasions or situations that triggers migraine.It is very important to maintain a regular and normal sleeping routine each week,which is about 8hours per day.

Caffeine also triggers migraine.It is therefore adviceable that you limit the amount of caffeine consumption each day.Avoid starving yourself,and stay out of stress.Always try and maintain a calm state of mind,this you can do by reading a favorite book or novel or listening to a soft music to help ease tension.

Medical attention is very important. Medical experts will be able to prescribe medications that can help fight migraine,therefore you should seek medical attention.

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