Sunday 3 April 2016

How to protect our health

Personal hygiene is a challenge to many,yet it is wise to maintain good personal hygiene so as to protect yourself against diseases.Below are six ways you can prevent yourself and your family from illnesses.

First aspect has to do with washing our hands regularly with soap and water.This is important because it helps prevent the intake of germs into the body through the food we eat by the aid of of our hands.Washing of hands after using the toilet is also hygienic, and an important part of illness prevention.

Another aspect involves the use of water.Water should be stored in clean jars,and only clean cup should be used for scooping and drinking water from any jar.Cover all jars properly to prevent contamination.

Wash your toilet regularly.This is particularly important to those whose toilet is found right in the house.Keep it clean to prevent diseases.

Food that are raw must be washed properly before cooking.if it is usually eaten that way,washing is also proper.Cook your food very well before eating,if it won't be consumed immediately, store in a refrigerator, so as not to get it contaminated by rodents,flies,or any other animals.

Burn all refuse.dispose all waste water properly,where mosquitoes won't be attracted to it.

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