Friday 22 April 2016

The health benefit of eating banana

Banana comes in various shapes and varieties, taste good and can be good for you.Though it is very much consumed by vast majority of people worldwide,very few knows how valuable it is to our health.

Bananas are right in vitamins A,which is an asset to good vision,boost humans immunity,and helps in cells development.

Another vitamin banana gives is vitamin B,that is energy giving and vitamin C,for proper growth and effective for illness defence.Bananas are also rich in minerals,mineral which includes calcium,phosphorus,iron,and magnessium.

It might interest you to know that those with kidney related disease can eat banana,because of the low amount of protein found in it.Fully ripe ones helps produce fructose,which can be taken by a diabetic patient.Surprisingly,bananas helps fatty and over weight people loss reasonable amount of fat,helps fight diarrhea and constipation. Super amazing, isn't it?

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