Friday 8 April 2016

How to protect yourself from being infected by flu

Flu is an ailment caused by a virus,attacking the respiratory system,then passed from one individual to another through contact with body fluid,cough and sneeze.

Flu is common during colder months of the year.It is so because a cool weather makes the external membrane of a virus become a protective gel that prolongs the survival of the virus in the air, but then melts in the higher temperature of the human respiratory tract,thereby resulting to infections.

It is possible to protect yourself from flu by preparing before hand.This you can do by sleeping well,eating food capable of fighting flu.Food containing enough protein, vegetables, whole grain,and most especially fruits.

Keep proper environmental hygiene.Make sure your home,inside out is kept clean as well as all kitchen utensils.Wash your hands regularly,dispose all dirt,and avoid contact with an infected persons' body fluid or breath exchange.

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