Friday 29 April 2016

How to enjoy your old age

As years goes by,the older you get.To some, they start thinking about the sadness and loneliness advance age brings.But the reality of it is,we do not try to think if there is any possibility of living happily even when old in age.This is strange,you might say,but is it really strange?Maybe you are at this time very curious as to the possibility of enjoying life even if not to the fullest when old in age.You have come to the right place.You want to find out?Then read on.

Well to enjoy your old age,you do not have to stop completely what you enjoy doing while you were in your youthful age.What do i mean?

Your body still needs enough rest.Many older ones finds it hard to sleep comfortably,but the bottom line is,you should always get enough rest for each day.During evening time,when the sun is down,its is advisable that you go for atleast 20minutes walk,because it is important thay you still exercise even as an old individual.It keeps you less tired and a bit strong.

Make sure you still take food and fruits that contains essential nutrients needed for proper body development.You know one thing fruit does is to keep your skin fresher,though it can look a a bit worn but not complete left malnourished.

Branch out.Call a younger person,tell him or her you will like to go out to have fun.Merely feeding your eyes on beautiful view keeps you very peaceful,calm,and happy.Even while at home,do not be all by yourself,doing say will only make you fall in deep thought and weigh yourself down with anxiety.At this note,you should think about what can keep your spirit alive,could be listening to cool music,or reading stories or magazines you love reading when you were in your youthful age.

You know,one thing i keep telling older ones is,"do not believe you can't do it because you old".You do not have to be lazy about everything, strive to do it,you will get used to it.And one secret i'll like to break out is,you can extend your life span if you put in to good use,these suggestions,you definitely will find your older age much beautiful as if you are still a youth.

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