Sunday 1 May 2016

Amazing spider resides in a dried up leaf

Have you ever looked so closely at a spider web?Sometimes you find dry leaf,cuddled by the web of a spider.Have you pausef for a while and imagined,how did that leaf get there and for what purpose?Today on animal life,we will be looking at how spiders finds refuge in leaves.

When you find a leaf suspended in the web,you are looking at the habitat of a spider.The spider goes around,select a suitable leaf cuddle it into a spiral and then secure it with strands of silks,this is to prevent it from unraveling.

During the day,the spider spends its whole time in the leaf and at night,crouches at the entrance of the leaf and carefully monitor,placing one part of its feets on it silk.Should a prey which could be an insect tries to destroy his dwelling place,it can grap hold of it and consume it.Magnificent isn't it? But what if by day, you want to check if you will find any spider in its home?All you need do,gentle tap the dry leaves and gaze intently,there you find the wonderful yet hardworking creature.

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