Tuesday 3 May 2016

How to fight against excessive anger

Anger is very common amongst human today.Many believe that short people are mostly inclined to get angry easily.But that is not always true,we live in a world where different situations and challenges makes us get angry,but to those who easily get angry and often become violent in words and action,do you wish to fight this urge?Then read on.

Is it your common behavior to utter hurtful statement or mostly make use of your fist when you angry?well,one thing you should keep in mind is that you should fight the tendency of getting this worse at the first place.You might ask"what do you mean?"

When you get angry,try to be calm and relax.Resist the urge to utter the first statement that comes to your mind.Leave the background, and after you've done this,take a deep breath.Taking a deep breath helps you keep calm and protects you from immediately becoming violent.

While you do this,tell yourself,"calm down"repeatedly till you get a bit better.

What do you enjoy doing?Do you love listening to music,dance,taking a walk,swim.At that moment,it's good that you engage yourself with things that makes you feel relaxed and happy.

Regular exercise too helps in helping yoh fight the urge of excessively getting angry,learn to eat proper diet.
And the overall of everything is,learn to forgive easily, if helps a lot.This is something you can overcome,if you really want to.

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