Monday 30 May 2016

20Tips to get flat tummy

Have you been battling to get flat tummy?You must have tried series of products, but below are yet tips that can help you get flat tummy.
1.Drink water atleast an hour before eating.
2.While eating, do not rush your food.
3.Do not rush your meals.
4.Do cardio about 20minutes per day.
5.Engage in push ups.
6.Engage in sit-ups.
7.Reduce sweet things.
8.Cut down alcohol intake.
9.Engage in swimming.
10.Regularly eat fruits and vegetables.
11.Food contaning fiber help too.
12.Maintain proper night rest,for atleast 7-8hours per night.
13.Maintain good posture.
14.Regularly drink water.
15.Do not starve yourself.
16.Do not skip breakfast.
17.Do crunchies with exercise ball.
18.Do yoga.
19.Do leg lifts
20.Do not over stress

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