Tuesday 31 May 2016

How to express your feelings

Love can be very strong,capable of burning always in your heart,it's a beautiful feeling. Waking up a single day with happiness,knowing you have that special person in your heart and in your life is everybody's dream.But sometimes,love can be a little challenging.When your are romantically attracted to someone,and the next question that comes into your heart is"what if he doesn't feel the same way for me",that can make a girl hold back from expressing herself.

To some ladies,expressing your feelings to a guy is very challenging and sound awkward.But the reality is,some have gone beyond such thought. Guys,remember it takes a whole lots of courage for a girl to propose love to you,coupled with lots of rehearsals,please do not treat her disrespectfully. Ofcourse,the response they want to hear from you is"baby,really i feel the same way",but what if you are yet to develop that feeling for her,or you do not love her?,when expressing yourself, you do not need to shout or flare up,or expose it to your friends.Speak in a calm way,tell her how good she looks,tell her you admire her,but mildly tell her you're not interested, but extend a warm hand of friendship.

But what if you need time to think,or wants to look for some admiring potentials in her,you do not need to accept the offer still,mildly tell her you will like to think about it,yet still,welcome a hand of friendship,cherish her courage,and take good care of her feelings,even if you later turn down her offer,though as hard as it will be on her,she will always respect and cherish you for treating her in a lovely and admiring way.

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