Friday 20 May 2016

How to cut down obesity,both in male and in female

How much do you weigh?Have you grown robust?Obesity is the point at which one is overweight and excessively fat.One who is overweight often have challenges in breathing and prone to health challenges. You might be curious,what kind of health challenges? These challenges includes the risk of high blood pressure,stroke,coronary artery disease, and diabetes as a result of excess consumption of junks.But there are several tips to fighting obesity in both genders.

One very important step that can help you is regular exercise.Exercise helps to maintain healthy living,also burn down calories.It is proper to exercise daily,at least for 30minutes so as to avoid obese related problems.

Do you need to starve yourself because you want to loose excess weight?The answer is no.But it is advisable to cut down excess consumption of things that increases the possibility of being obese.Below are suggested steps that can guide you.

Fat:Reduce the intake of fatty food and oil especially to atleast ont teaspoon daily.

Protein:3-7servings daily.

Carbohydrates:4-8servings daily.

Fruits and vegetables:Regular intake of fruits and vegetables goes a long way in reducing excess weight.Make it a regular part of your eating habit.

Avoid eating junky food at all times.Do not just consume anything placed in front of you.Do not always eat till you are excessively filled.If you must have a dessert after every meal,why not make it fruits such as watermelon, garden eggs,oranges,carrots and the likes of them?When you buy consumables,look of for the amount of calories or fats it contains.

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