Friday 13 May 2016

How to stay healthy during menopause

As women grows older,they live in fear,sadness and depression,especially knowing that they are close to their menopause ages.Some excessively weigh themselves down till they become so thin,while others excessively overfeed themselves so as not to be affected  negatively by menopause.Although menopause is inescapable for women,it is adviceable that you do everything thing possible to stay healthy and keep reasonable amount of your physical beauty.You might ask at this point, What are the ways in which these can be done successfully? Well do not stop reading,if you truly want to find out.

First advice you should learn to do is to eat less fatty food.Some women out of depression,consumes lots of fatty food so as to grow bigger,in other not to be over noticeable that she's growing older.That should not be the case,remember,excess fat in your system makes it to impossible for free flow of the breathe, and can also cause heart related issues.So rather than consume this kind of food,why not take food containing reasonable amount of calcium.I do not mean to scare you now,but the truth is,as you grow older,your bone becomes weak and losses reasonable amount of calcium,boost it again with meals containing calcium.

Do not soak yourself in depression, get up,get going,engage yourself in regular exercise, such as jogging,skipping and the likes of exercises.You can also engage yourself doing less stressful job,although do not do this till you get excessively tired.Make sure you rest well, 8hours rest per night isn't a bad idea.Engage also in recreation because it helps you relieve depression and keeps your spirit alive.

Lastly,one very important advice is that you should regularly visit your doctor, ask for any supplements and medications to help you stay put,because you are going ti experience hot flash,he or she will help witg medications that can help you relieve hot flash.You will definitely be adviced to do regular checkups, make sure you do this and carefully follow any instructions given to you by your doctor.

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