Tuesday 10 May 2016

How useful is garlic to the body?find out

"Aww!where is that aroma coming from?That could probably be from the kitchen,well let me guess,ginger have added taste to the sauce,that's why it has this inviting aroma."

Well this is mostly mostly the comments made by all those familiar with garlic for their cooking.Ofcourse it adds more taste and aroma to the meal making it more inviting.But apart from this,what does garlic do for a human body? I am sure you must be curious right now, well read on.

Garlic is nutritional and medicinal,for ages now doctors mostly prescribe this vegetable to their patient.Unknown to vast majority especially to those not familar with it,garlic aids digestion, infections and some heart related problems.

Most herbal doctors recommends that if a patient as a result of cough,finds it hard to breath properly or experience chest pain, they should make garlic chewing their hobby.

Garlic can also be used to treat dysentery and other diseases.Unknown to many,garlic can also be used to treat wounds.

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