Monday 23 May 2016

How to battle silent treatment

"I love him,but when we disagree on something,he becomes quiet,not even talking to me for days,but i can't do without him"

Most people are in love,but very few are enjoying the relationship,but both parties do not want to go seperate ways.Love is a beautiful feeling that should be nourished with communication and happiness.Although it is very impossible to avoid disagreement, but it's another thing to avoid silent treatment so as not to get your love for eacg other malnourished.

One thing that can help defeat silent treatment is forgiveness.A relationship consist of two imperfect individual bound to make mistakes, but the key is do not always dwell on his or her mistakes.A vital key is"learn to talk things out on time".When you do,do not prove to be the perfect one,learn to say"i am sorry" to each other,then smile.The more you do this,the more easier it will be to settle dispute.But what if it's difficult to talk things out?Understanding comes into play.Think about what your lover likes,get it for him or her,smile as you offer him or her the gift.Or maybe you are very good in using lovely words,this is the perfect time to do so.Say something romantic,or drop a note where he or she can easily see it,then watch his or her countenance. When it's much friendly,it becomes the perfect time to talk things out. But remember, do not be the righteous one here,learn to say"i am sorry"and do not dwell on the mistake,then forgive freely.Then you've just nourished the love you both have for each other.

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