Monday 2 May 2016

How to prevent kidney disease

Over the years,death amongst human have been as a result of infections,which kidney infections happens to be the top common infection.The reality of it is,once anyone is a victim of this deadly disease,mostly it requires surgery.But the common say amongst we human is"prevention is better than cure".What precautions can be taken so as not to get your kidney damaged?

The kidney is responsible for filtering about 120-150quarts of blood per day to produce 1-2quarts of urine,it serves different regulatory process in a living being.It is responsible too for the extraction of excess fluid in the body.

A very common cause of kidney disease is  a damaged bladder.When you habour urine in the bladder for a long time,it produces more bacteria,and when the urine refluxes back to the uretea and the kidney,it causes kidney infection.

Protein is good for human.The end product happens to be amonia.Excess of amonia in the body also can cause damage to the kidney.

Excess salt intake is a very destructive substance of the kidney.Although salt is also important for the body, yet only about  5.8gramms of salt or less,should be taken per day.

Caffeine increases blood pressure, and when this happens,the kidney suffers.Lots of drinks out there contains this substance,you should cut down excess consumption of it.

Health is wealth.It less to prevent but cost a lot to repair.

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