Sunday 1 May 2016

How reasonable it is for parent to teach their kids about sex

Does it sound awkward to teach your children about sex?Most parent finds it much more challenging to do so.As parent,what is your view about this,and if you feel its much better to talk to them about this issue,when should you do so?

Read through magazines,watch the television news update,you will find that there is an increasing rate of sexual abuse amongst young ones.But look at it from this angle."What about teaching my child before hand on what can be done to avoid falling victim to this?"

Parents,train your young ones at child hood about this matter of sex.While you do this in a calm way,explain to them what all their body organs are used for,especially the sexual organs.Teach them about the dangers of premature sex.Tell them what can be said to anyone who tries to touch them in a very sensitive part of their body.Tell them what to do when someone tries to take advantage of them.Help them to see the need of avoiding activities,events or environments that can serve as an opportunity to people who are capable of taking advantage of them.It is also very important that you know who their friends are,communicate regularly with them after that moment you get your eyes off him or her through the phone.

Is this too much? Far be it.The reality of it is, children are exposed to different environment of learning.If you do not teach them this things,and they learn it somewhere else,this time,through practical aspects, the end result will be much saddening to you.You do not need to be just a teacher,you need to be an example to the child.Practice with your child on what to do if after resisting,yet still pressured to engage in this act.

It is better to learn all of this at a younger age,afterward may be too late.Do not feel shy,it pays all the way to perform this aspect of parental duty.

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