Saturday 28 May 2016

How to battle sadness

Are you sad or perhaps moody?Well this are part of humans natural feeling that comes once in a while.But i love being happy,because i put in to good use,these basic tips i want to share with you.

One of the best method to get on the level of mood is listening to music.Cool music can go a long way to help you relax your mind and can calm you a lot.The more you sink yourself into the rhythm and lyrics of the song you love listening to,gradually you become happy.

Another very important step is taking a walk.Most people do not really know how effective this method is in battling saddness,but it does help.While you walk, fix your eyes on beautiful flowering plants,inhale the fragrance, hear the birds sings,and perhaps move closer to the sea on a beach, you will get over it.

What about recreating,wow this is absolutely helpful.When you become moody,put on a lovely dress,go to a party, or a beach,or a cinema with your friends,that really helps.

Talking things out to a confidant can be very helpful.You feel bored because something heavy runs through your mind,don't die in silence,share it with a friend or two,their words can lighten your body and can heal your countenance.

Most times,you can fall in a situation whereby all you need to get better is a warm hug.Ask a love one for it,it's not really compulsory it should be a member of the opposite sex.A long time warm hug can help a lot,and lots more.

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