Wednesday 14 September 2016

Evangelist lynxx advice to a those searching for a partner will blow your mind

Lynxx who turned a born again christian,shared wise sayings on his Instagram page to all those who are searching for a partner.But is it surprising that our beloved lynxx is more or less an evangelist?Wow.Alright let's get down to business.Below are the beautiful words from lynxx.

"I have learned in faith that finding mr/mrs right begins with someone who already knows christ,someone who has the love and fear of God souls lead you closer to him,therefore closer to you and your destiny.

We exist in a world where distractions are on,and it is so easy to  get carried away in the hype,following the crowd and fitting into what the society predicts it's cool that we put our standards away and roll with what the world has deemed acceptable.

The usual answers to questions like "what do you look for in a girl/guy" goes something like "he/she must be cute/fine,have a nice body,know how to cook,have a good job e.t.c..."

Ladies; he must be successful, financially stable,good looking,have a built body,6packs,live in lekki,drive a range...e.t.c."

All well and good,but sadly your focus is on the wrong things,worldly things that are not the true ingredients for a long lasting relationship.

I have learned in faith that finding mr/mrs right begins with someone who already knows they are in christ,someone who has the love and fear of God will lead you closer to him,therefore closer to you and your destiny.They say you can't give what you don't have,if all i have to offer is range and 6packs.....,thats what i am bringing to the relationship table,therefore i can be a moster inside and treat you anyhow.But a man or woman with a good spiritual foundation is limited to the world by the fear and love of God and the word.

Build your relationship on the concrete foundation of a spiritual relationship with God.Pray together,pray for each other and stay together.Remember, it is never too late to dedicate your current relationship to God for a fresh start.You deserve something that has a future,otherwise you're in a class for yet another lesson.Look beyond the outside,what's inside really counts,bless you all."

Wow,my oh my,those where just a very breathtaking words from lynxx to all who are already in a relationship or are desperately in need of someone to love.

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