Friday 16 September 2016

Your words makes my heart bleed

Every relationship has it's bad side.Manh believes that when a couple or two persons in a relationship fights a lot,they are not just righy for each other.But in reality,that i not always the case.It takes two imperfect individuals to create a perfect relationship,if only they both fight against negative flaws.

Arguments can be a very common flaw in your relationship and most times you both end up hurting each other,maybe in words or in a action.It's not not really surprising when you hear these words "honey,your words crushed my spirit", and when it continues that way,theh end up say " we are not just right for each other."

To this end,what can be done to step over this common pitfall?

True,you both will not alway agree on everything, but you should avoid the temptation of speaking when you are getting angry.When you do, you will blurt out words that wil destroy the spirit of your partner.If you discover that you are getting angry,tactfully excuse yourself,until another convenient time,when tension is reduced.

Before flaring up,ask questions. Find out the reason why he or she is giving a different option or ideas.Listen to each other before speaking,only then can you understand why he or she is not in support with your decision or option.These two steps can go a long way reducing the regularity of arguments.

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