Saturday 10 September 2016

My spouse is my best friend

Is it super weird when you hear someone already in a marital bond,feeling so comfortable saying that his or her spouse is his or her best friend? Well that shouldn't suprise you much,cause one of the best method of building a successful and happy home is by making your spouse your friend.Someone best described as a friend is one you enjoy being with,someone you share your feelings,thoughts and ideas freely with,and your spouse can and should be that someone.

Physical contact through sex,kissing and hugging are not just the only method of maintaining a close bond between yourselves.If you make your spouse your friend,you will definitely look for several opportunities to spend time with him or her,creating every opportunity to share your thoughts, ideas and feelings,which is very healthy for a loving home.However,some loves talking things out at night while on the bed,which reduces time you will spend that night sleeping which is quite unhealthy.For a change,why not make it part of you to talk things out and once in a while spend quality time together.

Several benefit comes from making your spouse your best friend.You feel safe and free to share all of your thoughts and feelings with your spouse cause he is a brother or sister,or a father or mother that is readily available to hear you out,is that not worthwhile? The more you maintain friendship with each other,you get to know yourself the more.It will be easier to have one goal,one decision.It will be easier to settle dispute among yourselves and allow love flows in your marriage. To this end,who is your best friend? If you are yet to make him or her your friend, it is vital that you do so. This doesn't require a basic skill or a long time effort. Below are various steps you can take,to build friendship amongst yourselves.

-Communicating regularly is very important. This doesn't mean that you must see each other before that can be achieved. As you both go out in your daily endeavors, strive hard to call or text each other during the day.Part of the things you can include are questions like 'how are you my love? What did you have for lunch?,How are you feeling? You can also include words like 'I love you,I miss you',these words can go a long way to build a successful friendship.Tell him or her how much you love him or her and can't wait to be with him later in the day.

-Spending time together doesn't require being in the home all day,recreating with your spouse is very vital.Why not ask him or her some things she enjoyed while he or she was single and endeavor to bring those moments to life again.She will love you the more.

-Learn to appreciate him or her for everything, respect each the feelings of your spouse,strive hard to be a good listener.Take a special interest on your spouse feelings,thoughts and ideas,and most of all,be quite to settle dispute and forgive freely.

One of the mistake that most married individual does is involving a third party in their relationship. That isn't a good step,most times it destroys a home. Do not make that mistake.

These things are not difficult in themselves but they are worth the effort.

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