Tuesday 31 May 2016

How to express your feelings

Love can be very strong,capable of burning always in your heart,it's a beautiful feeling. Waking up a single day with happiness,knowing you have that special person in your heart and in your life is everybody's dream.But sometimes,love can be a little challenging.When your are romantically attracted to someone,and the next question that comes into your heart is"what if he doesn't feel the same way for me",that can make a girl hold back from expressing herself.

To some ladies,expressing your feelings to a guy is very challenging and sound awkward.But the reality is,some have gone beyond such thought. Guys,remember it takes a whole lots of courage for a girl to propose love to you,coupled with lots of rehearsals,please do not treat her disrespectfully. Ofcourse,the response they want to hear from you is"baby,really i feel the same way",but what if you are yet to develop that feeling for her,or you do not love her?,when expressing yourself, you do not need to shout or flare up,or expose it to your friends.Speak in a calm way,tell her how good she looks,tell her you admire her,but mildly tell her you're not interested, but extend a warm hand of friendship.

But what if you need time to think,or wants to look for some admiring potentials in her,you do not need to accept the offer still,mildly tell her you will like to think about it,yet still,welcome a hand of friendship,cherish her courage,and take good care of her feelings,even if you later turn down her offer,though as hard as it will be on her,she will always respect and cherish you for treating her in a lovely and admiring way.

Monday 30 May 2016

20Tips to get flat tummy

Have you been battling to get flat tummy?You must have tried series of products, but below are yet tips that can help you get flat tummy.
1.Drink water atleast an hour before eating.
2.While eating, do not rush your food.
3.Do not rush your meals.
4.Do cardio about 20minutes per day.
5.Engage in push ups.
6.Engage in sit-ups.
7.Reduce sweet things.
8.Cut down alcohol intake.
9.Engage in swimming.
10.Regularly eat fruits and vegetables.
11.Food contaning fiber help too.
12.Maintain proper night rest,for atleast 7-8hours per night.
13.Maintain good posture.
14.Regularly drink water.
15.Do not starve yourself.
16.Do not skip breakfast.
17.Do crunchies with exercise ball.
18.Do yoga.
19.Do leg lifts
20.Do not over stress

Saturday 28 May 2016

How to battle sadness

Are you sad or perhaps moody?Well this are part of humans natural feeling that comes once in a while.But i love being happy,because i put in to good use,these basic tips i want to share with you.

One of the best method to get on the level of mood is listening to music.Cool music can go a long way to help you relax your mind and can calm you a lot.The more you sink yourself into the rhythm and lyrics of the song you love listening to,gradually you become happy.

Another very important step is taking a walk.Most people do not really know how effective this method is in battling saddness,but it does help.While you walk, fix your eyes on beautiful flowering plants,inhale the fragrance, hear the birds sings,and perhaps move closer to the sea on a beach, you will get over it.

What about recreating,wow this is absolutely helpful.When you become moody,put on a lovely dress,go to a party, or a beach,or a cinema with your friends,that really helps.

Talking things out to a confidant can be very helpful.You feel bored because something heavy runs through your mind,don't die in silence,share it with a friend or two,their words can lighten your body and can heal your countenance.

Most times,you can fall in a situation whereby all you need to get better is a warm hug.Ask a love one for it,it's not really compulsory it should be a member of the opposite sex.A long time warm hug can help a lot,and lots more.

Friday 27 May 2016

Why you shouldn't take medications and alcohol at once

Drinking is not bad,but at what time is necessary that you do not take?Healthy living suggests that you should not make use of drinks not necessarily alcoholic beverages when taking your medications.

There are certain substances used in the preparation of our medicines that when mixed with alcohol or wine can bring about some unpleasant reaction which includes headache,nausea and vomiting.

Taking some other antibiotics even with a little alcoholic beverage can prevent the drugs from functioning properly.Part of it's unpleasant reaction includes dizziness drowsiness and sometimes stomach ache,it can also weaken ones immune system(ability to fight sicknesses)and can make you tired.

So if you are sick, it is advicable that you make use of warm water when taking your medications so has to hasten your recovery.Then after getting better,you can at whatever times you feel like taking it,drink,it's up to you.

Thursday 26 May 2016

How to fight against malnutrition

All over the world,death rate increases,mostly as a result of the damaging effect of malnutrition.What can possibly be the cause of malnutrition and what can be done to help?

As a result of poverty rate,malnutrition occurs as a result of not having enough food to eat,and when some does have little but not containing essential nutrients the body needs to develop well.Well at this point,someone who is malnourished, as the person you see in the picture needs medical treatment, care and attention by medical expert.

But as it is ofter said"prevention is better than a cure" and to futher add"health is wealth",it is very much important to eat not just enough food but the right kind of food.Your body needs all kinds of essential nutrients such as protein,vitamins and water,although all others are important.

Make it your habit to consume enough fruits and vegetable each day.Do not underestimate the value of keeping your home and surroundings clean.Breast milk helps to promote a baby's physical and mental growth.

To prevent your infant from being malnourished, it is essential that nursing mothers consumes enough protein and calories,because it helps in the production of breast milk.

Monday 23 May 2016

How to battle silent treatment

"I love him,but when we disagree on something,he becomes quiet,not even talking to me for days,but i can't do without him"

Most people are in love,but very few are enjoying the relationship,but both parties do not want to go seperate ways.Love is a beautiful feeling that should be nourished with communication and happiness.Although it is very impossible to avoid disagreement, but it's another thing to avoid silent treatment so as not to get your love for eacg other malnourished.

One thing that can help defeat silent treatment is forgiveness.A relationship consist of two imperfect individual bound to make mistakes, but the key is do not always dwell on his or her mistakes.A vital key is"learn to talk things out on time".When you do,do not prove to be the perfect one,learn to say"i am sorry" to each other,then smile.The more you do this,the more easier it will be to settle dispute.But what if it's difficult to talk things out?Understanding comes into play.Think about what your lover likes,get it for him or her,smile as you offer him or her the gift.Or maybe you are very good in using lovely words,this is the perfect time to do so.Say something romantic,or drop a note where he or she can easily see it,then watch his or her countenance. When it's much friendly,it becomes the perfect time to talk things out. But remember, do not be the righteous one here,learn to say"i am sorry"and do not dwell on the mistake,then forgive freely.Then you've just nourished the love you both have for each other.

Friday 20 May 2016

How to cut down obesity,both in male and in female

How much do you weigh?Have you grown robust?Obesity is the point at which one is overweight and excessively fat.One who is overweight often have challenges in breathing and prone to health challenges. You might be curious,what kind of health challenges? These challenges includes the risk of high blood pressure,stroke,coronary artery disease, and diabetes as a result of excess consumption of junks.But there are several tips to fighting obesity in both genders.

One very important step that can help you is regular exercise.Exercise helps to maintain healthy living,also burn down calories.It is proper to exercise daily,at least for 30minutes so as to avoid obese related problems.

Do you need to starve yourself because you want to loose excess weight?The answer is no.But it is advisable to cut down excess consumption of things that increases the possibility of being obese.Below are suggested steps that can guide you.

Fat:Reduce the intake of fatty food and oil especially to atleast ont teaspoon daily.

Protein:3-7servings daily.

Carbohydrates:4-8servings daily.

Fruits and vegetables:Regular intake of fruits and vegetables goes a long way in reducing excess weight.Make it a regular part of your eating habit.

Avoid eating junky food at all times.Do not just consume anything placed in front of you.Do not always eat till you are excessively filled.If you must have a dessert after every meal,why not make it fruits such as watermelon, garden eggs,oranges,carrots and the likes of them?When you buy consumables,look of for the amount of calories or fats it contains.

Saturday 14 May 2016

How to reduce the effect of cocaine

How does cocaine makes you feel.It helps you forget your sorrow,it makes you feel good,it gives you extra strength,what more? Well first thing you should know is the fact that cocaine is an addictive harmful substance.Ofcourse to some,they turn this fact down because they feel relieved and alive when this is taken.But what is much more beneficial than securing your health?For the fact that you get satisfied when you inhale it doesn't mean you should ignore this,because its very important.Now that I've got your attention please read on.

When you start taking it,you become addicted, when it's not readily available,you yearn for more,and if it's not gotten you become depressed.Think about this,cocaine keeps the pocket sometimes empty,once you become addicted you tend to spend more on it rather than focus on more important things.It seriously affects your mentality,do not be fooled that it's harmless and safe.

How do you react when you take this substance, probably you do not know,because your mentality is instable.Well it keeps you in a discomforting situation,you shake,you bleed and sometimes experience runny nose,as a result of destruction of the nasal tissue and vomiting.At this point,your body is beginning to crash,any little pushing of hitting can lead to your collapse.It exposes one self to danger,you become violently inclined,you likely will loose your reputation in the society and you become distrustful because your action can not be predicted.

Friday 13 May 2016

How to stay healthy during menopause

As women grows older,they live in fear,sadness and depression,especially knowing that they are close to their menopause ages.Some excessively weigh themselves down till they become so thin,while others excessively overfeed themselves so as not to be affected  negatively by menopause.Although menopause is inescapable for women,it is adviceable that you do everything thing possible to stay healthy and keep reasonable amount of your physical beauty.You might ask at this point, What are the ways in which these can be done successfully? Well do not stop reading,if you truly want to find out.

First advice you should learn to do is to eat less fatty food.Some women out of depression,consumes lots of fatty food so as to grow bigger,in other not to be over noticeable that she's growing older.That should not be the case,remember,excess fat in your system makes it to impossible for free flow of the breathe, and can also cause heart related issues.So rather than consume this kind of food,why not take food containing reasonable amount of calcium.I do not mean to scare you now,but the truth is,as you grow older,your bone becomes weak and losses reasonable amount of calcium,boost it again with meals containing calcium.

Do not soak yourself in depression, get up,get going,engage yourself in regular exercise, such as jogging,skipping and the likes of exercises.You can also engage yourself doing less stressful job,although do not do this till you get excessively tired.Make sure you rest well, 8hours rest per night isn't a bad idea.Engage also in recreation because it helps you relieve depression and keeps your spirit alive.

Lastly,one very important advice is that you should regularly visit your doctor, ask for any supplements and medications to help you stay put,because you are going ti experience hot flash,he or she will help witg medications that can help you relieve hot flash.You will definitely be adviced to do regular checkups, make sure you do this and carefully follow any instructions given to you by your doctor.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

How useful is garlic to the body?find out

"Aww!where is that aroma coming from?That could probably be from the kitchen,well let me guess,ginger have added taste to the sauce,that's why it has this inviting aroma."

Well this is mostly mostly the comments made by all those familiar with garlic for their cooking.Ofcourse it adds more taste and aroma to the meal making it more inviting.But apart from this,what does garlic do for a human body? I am sure you must be curious right now, well read on.

Garlic is nutritional and medicinal,for ages now doctors mostly prescribe this vegetable to their patient.Unknown to vast majority especially to those not familar with it,garlic aids digestion, infections and some heart related problems.

Most herbal doctors recommends that if a patient as a result of cough,finds it hard to breath properly or experience chest pain, they should make garlic chewing their hobby.

Garlic can also be used to treat dysentery and other diseases.Unknown to many,garlic can also be used to treat wounds.

Monday 9 May 2016

How to reduce the effect of betel nut

Wow!that's the spirit,but vast majority are unaware of its risk.What am i talking about?well i want to address this matter mostly to all lover of betel nut.

Betel nut or betel palm,which ever way you call it, is gotten from a trea called areca palm.It's brings thousands and millions of dollars to it sellers,but produces in human life-threatening illnesses.

Betel palm chewer mostly will have a darkened teeth and a blood-like saliva.Thousands of betel nut chewer often come in contact with gum delated diseases and tooth damage,darkening your teeth will surely affect your smiling to others in the society.

Addicted betel nut chewer gets his or her mucous membrane wrinkled which can later result to a scarrin of the oral mucosa.Cancer of the mouth is also not not far fetched as well as cardiovascular disease,known to be the blockage of the blood vessel leading to heart attack and other heart related diseases.

Saturday 7 May 2016

How husbands can earn the love and respect of their family

Most families are divided,divorce have been an everyday story,this is as a result of lack of love and respect by either the wife or the husband.But for now i want to put husbands through as to how they can earn the love and respect of their family.

One thing you should know is that you can't force your family members to love and respect you,all you do is to display admirable attitude so as to earn this love and respect.

I'll start by advicing that out of no time,you should make out time for your family member.Time to talk,time to recreate, time to be attentive to their feelings and wants.

Secondly, you want to be a good speaker.You want to be kind in words.The way you express yourself tells the kind of father and husband you are.How do you respond if your children or your spouse step on tourw toes? Try to be the good husband you want to be by being mild in speech.

You should discipline lovingly. Do not be harsh,when you make use of a cane for your kids,tell them later why they were beaten and encourage them not to repeat it.If your wife do you wrong,well you shouldn't flog her like a kid,a kind word of correction will be better. Always commend both your wife and your kids when they do things you so much appreciate.

Love dearly your spouse and respect her,when you do this,you earn her love and respect as well as that of your children.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Titanic liverpool! History most famous ship sank

Have you heard about titanic liverpool,one of the world's biggest ship at that time?Probably you have.However,many have but do not know the full story or detail about what happened.

Titanic is a unique ship,built in the shipyard of harland,measuring 269m in length and 28m in width,so large that its able to carry large number of people and large quantity of goods.

After the construction, april 10 1912,was the first time of conveying people to their various destinations,leaving Southampton and heading to newyork carrying about 2,200 humans on board.

There have been several warning by other sailors about an ice berg in the atlantic,some captains were asked to look out for this danger,but at a snap of the finger,they lost concentration.Before noticing how close the ship was to the iceberg,it was somewhat late.At 11:40pm april 14,the ship collides with the iceberg,althoug managed to avoid the face of the ship,scratched it edge causing so much damage to this uniquely built ship.

On learning that the great titanic will sink,lifeboats were lowered,saving the lives of just 705 individuals.
Sadly,on april 15 1912,at 2:20am,the great titanic sanked,consuming the lives of 1500 people.Those who were saving refused to return to the scene to check if there are still survivors. It was a tragedy in history.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

How to fight against excessive anger

Anger is very common amongst human today.Many believe that short people are mostly inclined to get angry easily.But that is not always true,we live in a world where different situations and challenges makes us get angry,but to those who easily get angry and often become violent in words and action,do you wish to fight this urge?Then read on.

Is it your common behavior to utter hurtful statement or mostly make use of your fist when you angry?well,one thing you should keep in mind is that you should fight the tendency of getting this worse at the first place.You might ask"what do you mean?"

When you get angry,try to be calm and relax.Resist the urge to utter the first statement that comes to your mind.Leave the background, and after you've done this,take a deep breath.Taking a deep breath helps you keep calm and protects you from immediately becoming violent.

While you do this,tell yourself,"calm down"repeatedly till you get a bit better.

What do you enjoy doing?Do you love listening to music,dance,taking a walk,swim.At that moment,it's good that you engage yourself with things that makes you feel relaxed and happy.

Regular exercise too helps in helping yoh fight the urge of excessively getting angry,learn to eat proper diet.
And the overall of everything is,learn to forgive easily, if helps a lot.This is something you can overcome,if you really want to.

Monday 2 May 2016

How to prevent kidney disease

Over the years,death amongst human have been as a result of infections,which kidney infections happens to be the top common infection.The reality of it is,once anyone is a victim of this deadly disease,mostly it requires surgery.But the common say amongst we human is"prevention is better than cure".What precautions can be taken so as not to get your kidney damaged?

The kidney is responsible for filtering about 120-150quarts of blood per day to produce 1-2quarts of urine,it serves different regulatory process in a living being.It is responsible too for the extraction of excess fluid in the body.

A very common cause of kidney disease is  a damaged bladder.When you habour urine in the bladder for a long time,it produces more bacteria,and when the urine refluxes back to the uretea and the kidney,it causes kidney infection.

Protein is good for human.The end product happens to be amonia.Excess of amonia in the body also can cause damage to the kidney.

Excess salt intake is a very destructive substance of the kidney.Although salt is also important for the body, yet only about  5.8gramms of salt or less,should be taken per day.

Caffeine increases blood pressure, and when this happens,the kidney suffers.Lots of drinks out there contains this substance,you should cut down excess consumption of it.

Health is wealth.It less to prevent but cost a lot to repair.

Sunday 1 May 2016

How reasonable it is for parent to teach their kids about sex

Does it sound awkward to teach your children about sex?Most parent finds it much more challenging to do so.As parent,what is your view about this,and if you feel its much better to talk to them about this issue,when should you do so?

Read through magazines,watch the television news update,you will find that there is an increasing rate of sexual abuse amongst young ones.But look at it from this angle."What about teaching my child before hand on what can be done to avoid falling victim to this?"

Parents,train your young ones at child hood about this matter of sex.While you do this in a calm way,explain to them what all their body organs are used for,especially the sexual organs.Teach them about the dangers of premature sex.Tell them what can be said to anyone who tries to touch them in a very sensitive part of their body.Tell them what to do when someone tries to take advantage of them.Help them to see the need of avoiding activities,events or environments that can serve as an opportunity to people who are capable of taking advantage of them.It is also very important that you know who their friends are,communicate regularly with them after that moment you get your eyes off him or her through the phone.

Is this too much? Far be it.The reality of it is, children are exposed to different environment of learning.If you do not teach them this things,and they learn it somewhere else,this time,through practical aspects, the end result will be much saddening to you.You do not need to be just a teacher,you need to be an example to the child.Practice with your child on what to do if after resisting,yet still pressured to engage in this act.

It is better to learn all of this at a younger age,afterward may be too late.Do not feel shy,it pays all the way to perform this aspect of parental duty.

Amazing spider resides in a dried up leaf

Have you ever looked so closely at a spider web?Sometimes you find dry leaf,cuddled by the web of a spider.Have you pausef for a while and imagined,how did that leaf get there and for what purpose?Today on animal life,we will be looking at how spiders finds refuge in leaves.

When you find a leaf suspended in the web,you are looking at the habitat of a spider.The spider goes around,select a suitable leaf cuddle it into a spiral and then secure it with strands of silks,this is to prevent it from unraveling.

During the day,the spider spends its whole time in the leaf and at night,crouches at the entrance of the leaf and carefully monitor,placing one part of its feets on it silk.Should a prey which could be an insect tries to destroy his dwelling place,it can grap hold of it and consume it.Magnificent isn't it? But what if by day, you want to check if you will find any spider in its home?All you need do,gentle tap the dry leaves and gaze intently,there you find the wonderful yet hardworking creature.