Thursday 30 June 2016

How to prevent our meal from contaminations.

This post title sounds strange right?Well not really.To be more candid,sometimes illness display itself through the food we eat.It have been confirmed that vast majority have fallen sick and as a result,death occurs,due to the contamination found in the food we eat.

What then can bring about these contamination, and what can be done to help fix this problem? Well, there are four basic things that can bring about these contaminations.These are:

1.Raw food which are already contaminated.

2.Meals prepared by an infected person.

3.Improper storage.

4.Lack of proper cooking or boiling.

What then can be done to make your food safer for you.These are just basic step you need to put into good use.

When you buy any food stuff home, make sure you wash your hands properly with soap and water before touching anything. A common mistake women makes is the fact that,they sometimes forget to cover their hair while in the kitchen,you do not want to make that mistake too.You also need to wash all food stuff clean before preparing.

Very important is the need to boil or cook your food properly,especially food from the poultry like red meat,chicken,turkey and the likes of them,so as to kill all bacterials in them.Some meals needs to be parboiled, before normal cooking.

If after cooking, you not ready to eat,it is advisable that you store your food properly,in a warmer,if you won't keep it for a long time before eating.However, if it should be stored in a freezer,which is much better,do well to rewarm properly before eating too.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

How to get a good partner

"He is cute,he takes me out,buy me gifts,wow,he is also funny".... ANITA.

" She is dazzling,she can sing and dance,she has beautiful skin too"....SCOTT.

What did you notice about these comments?,well they are all beautiful things one can look for when selecting a lover.But are all of these what you really want in your choice of relationship partner? This post will help you figure out other beautiful yet important qualities you should look for, before saying "yes" to him.

In reality,you do not need to taste series of relationship before you find true love. If you are ready for it,believe me,you can give it just one shot,it all involves knowing what you want as a person and going for it.And individual who is patient can get a suitable partner.So here are what you should look for in him or her.

Before allowing him or her into your heart completely,these are things you should find out.

1.He is handsome/beautiful, yet how does he treats people generally?

2.Is he/she worthy of my heart?

3.Is he/she honest and trustworthy?

4.Does he/she gets easily irritated,does he/she takes things to personal?If i mistakenly step on his or her toes,will he be willing to forgive me?

5.Is he proud,to the extend that he fails to admit his/her mistakes and apologize?

6.Does he/she make use of abusive words so often.Is he/she kind hearted, generous, loving,compassionate,humble and not too materialistic?

7.Above all,does he/she truly loves me from his heart and display it in his words and action?

8.Is he/she only interested in my body?

Love is a feeling meant to be shared only amongst genuine hearts.Of course these doesn't mean you are looking for a perfect one,it means you want to be happy in love.Like i did mention, you do not need to rush things,do your careful findings before saying "YES".

Friday 24 June 2016

How to prevent kidney disease

As each year passes by,thousands of people dies as a result of kidney disease. The image you see before this post potrays a healthy kidney and a diseased kidney.What can make our kidney become faulty?Well read below about some steps that should be taken so as to prevent our kidney from being damaged.

The kidney is capable of filtering about 120-150 quartz of blood to produce about 1-2quartz of urine and helps in regulating some of the body system,also helps in the removal of excess fluid from the body.

However you should be mindful about storing urine in your bladder,the more these is done,the more your kidney becomes at risk,because the bacteria in urine multiplies when it's been stored,and in this process,it refluxes back to the uretea and the kidney,then serious infection is produced. To this end,do not store urine in your bladder for a long time.

Do you know that excess consumption of salt can cause serious damage to our kidney?Well yes,when you go beyond the consumption of 5.8gramm of salt per day,then your kidney is at risk.To this end,you should reduce your salt consumption.

Make it your habit of drinking water regularly,up to 10glasses each day.Some drinks contains caffeine, a substance dangerous to our kidney. Therefore,it is advisable that you reduce drinks containing caffine.Do not wait until you infected,always go for medical checkups on your health.Health is wealth.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

How to protect your child from sexual abuse

While you were still a child,you were molested sexually,even after you've grown this older,the pain in you still remains the same.In reality,child abuse is very common in the world today,you should have the urge now to protect your child against sexual abuse in other not for him/her fall into the same long lasting pain.

As an adult,you've acquired knowledge and experience, do not feel shy or reluctant to talk to your child about sex.There are basic steps you should take so as to protect your child from being molested sexually.Most times we feel that predators lurk around your home,seeking ways to kidnap your daughter and rape her,well that's true.However, there are still other ways predators work toward their desire to rape your child.For example,they make use of flashy gifts to attract them to their own home,there are some others too.But the first help you can render is teaching. Educates your child about this,train her/him on resisting the urge of being swayed by sugarcoated mouth especially from strangers.If you place your child under some else care,be sure to know the in and out of the person.If your child complains about him/her,like the ways he/she is being touched,spoken to or acted to,be careful to listen.Ask questions,yes,so many questions like,what did he/she do to you,where did he/she touch you,what kind of words did he/she say to you?If after getting reasonable answers,please act,especially of she/he says she/he doesn't like him.

Another very important step involves spending time with your children. Get yourself involved deeply in her/his activities. If she/he have a phone, over time,check his or her phone. From text messages to online chat and so on.If you find anything fishy in it,do not just discipline him or her with the rod,something discipline is better served with words of mouth.Carefully call her/his attention to it,explain where the road leads,it's effect and protection.

Did you notice that"she" comes first before "he". Well this is because girls are often the most common victim.However, it might interest you to know that your boy can also be influenced, therefore,administer the same training and discipline to him.It is loving to do this, having known the pain it brings cause you are a victim or not,do not let him/her experience such pain too.

Sunday 19 June 2016

Benefits of massaging your baby

Massaging thier babies after taking their bath is so common amongst women in west africa,nigeria to be precise.But most are the benefits of performing this task and this goes to all mothers.

Massages builds strong bond of love between the baby and the mother.It helps the baby feel relaxed and its capable of toning up the skin of your baby.It's an opportunity to express how much you love your baby.While you perform this soft and tender act,you can accompany it with singing,talking and smiling,do not underestimate these because it makes them feel loved.

Massaging helps relieve stress and helps your baby sleep peacefully. Futhermore,massaging also helps in regulating the body system,which includes the circulatory system,digestive system and the respiratory system.It also helps to develop your baby stamina.Baby massage involves making use of your hands and gentle fingers,places to massage includes your baby hands,back legs,toes and thigh.

Remember,this is an advisable method of creating a stong bond of love between you and yoyr child.

Friday 17 June 2016

Precautions and advice about pregnancy

Health is wealth as it is often said.To keep yourself and your baby safe during pregnancy, there are certain precautions and advice you should put into good use.

First precautions involves staying off completely from alcohol.Alcohol increases the risk of your child having physical and mental disabilities.

Make it your habit of eating both fruits and vegetables each day.Control your salt intake and make sure you drink lots of water.Tin food should also be avoided during pregnancy. If you'd love to eat salad,make sure it's prepared by you alone,wash all its ingredients properly. Avoid eating road side food,also keep fatty food in moderation.

Maintain proper self and environmental hygiene.Avoid coming in contact with infected persons in other not to put your baby's life at risk.

Stay away from drugs except those prescribed by your doctor.Always visit your health center for advice.When you do,don't just stay quiet,ask questions, especially if you notice any change in you.

Do not overstress yourself,that is why it is always advisable that you get a caregiver during pregnancy.

Thursday 16 June 2016

3 Effective ways you can brace up when heartbroken

Heartbreak leaves you in tears,it's something unexpected especially when you do love him/her from the depth of your heart.Am so sorry if you are one of it's victim. It's not not out of a place if you cry your heart out,yes,but please do not sink yourself completely in the haven of sadness.

Because you've been heartbroken shouldn't make you give up on love.True love exist, and it is real. When one door closes,another opens.But often time,sadness makes us gaze deeply at the closed door and blinds us to the one that have been opened to us,you do not want that to happen to you.I am going to help yoi with few ways you can brace up despite being heartbroken.

Do not isolate yourself from others.Never believe everyone are the same.If you do not want to talk to members of the opposite sex for now,atleast stay around your friends and enjoy their company,flow along the groove like all is well,you will get over it real soon.

Another thing you need to do is to stop thinking negatively. Negative thoughts includes words like,"i'll rather remain this way,why are my so unlucky when it comes to love,i have to close my heart forever".It's time you step above the stone.Do not give in to wrong thought,rather think about what led to the heartbreak and walk not to repeat the same mistake again.Rather than dwell on these thoughts while alone,why not do things you love doing,maybe singing,dancing,swimming,just any activity you love engaging yourself in.

Do not give up on love,i assure you,you will definitely find someone who deserve your heart.Just be the admirable person you've always been,do not scare people away because of your mood.As an advice, do not rush into another relationship. Take your time,do not only fall for looks,wealth,shapes, body fixtures. You definitely know what you want,so take your time.Don't let anyone decide for you,if possible,do a background investigation about him/her,try to know the kind of person he/she is,before you jump into the relationship.

For now,please stop.crying, you definitely will find love again.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Honey ants, Australian's delicacy for desert

While i went for  a trip to Australia,i discovered the beauty and sweetness of honey ants,australians delicacy for dessert,wow it tasted so good.

I went into the arib scrub north of alice spring in australia filled with sandy soil,below a mulga tree,i noticed tiny living creatures,i was so curious that i had to go beyond that depth,for about a metre,guess what i saw,it was the honey ants.

Honey ants can be discovered anytime of the year,but preferably during winter season.Australians said it is their most enjoyable desert.Honey ants stores nectar inside the living bodies of the repletes,then when its time to withdraw them,the honey ants uses it's antennas to tap the right code of the repletes antennas,the then repletes will open it's mouth and unlock the honey pots.

But you may wonder. Where do this honey come from? well it begins with the sap and nectar of the acacia tree,then the aphid which are also tiny insects feed on these natural juices.If the worker ants do not collect juice directly from the acacia tree,they sip some of the honey dew from the aphids, and deposit to the repletes.

Hard working ants,isn't it.You need to have a taste of this desert,another said it is the most enjoyable bush meal.

Monday 13 June 2016

How to nourish your relationship

How do you feel about being in love?Many says its the best feeling ever,while others says love hurts.Whatever the case may be,being in a happy relationship brings happiness. In reality,a relationship is like a few weeks old baby,if you do not feed and care for it properly, then the baby experiences malnutrition.

To this end,your relationship needs to be fed with admiring attitudes or let me make use of the word morals,so it will never become malnourished.

There are three important morals that serves as healthy food to our relationship. These are:

Love:Everyone is designed with the ability to love in different ways.If you learn to love him/her genuinely from your heart,then you will surely be happy.Love for your partner will help you avoid being selfish and materialistic.It will also help you control your emotions and speak in a kind and loving way.It will help you be quick to make peace and forgive him/her.

Kindness:Another act of feeding your relationship involves being kind.Most times gifts goes a long way to prove how loving you are.But take note,buying gift is not only the duty of the male in the picture,it should be from both parties.These gift may not necessarily be an expensive gift,could be gift like flowers,rings,necklaces, shirts,pants,shoes and so many others.And because you are not being too materialistic, rather than devalue whatever you are given,love will move you to appreciate. The truth is,when you appreciate little things,the giver will be motivated to do more.

Honesty:This is very important. Most relationship have been broken as a result of lack of honesty.You should learn to always speak the truth.Love will enable you to be true.If you love him/her,you won't have to share your feelings he/she alone deserves with other men/ladies.Be open in communicating,express your feelings honestly toward him/her.

Like i did mention ealier,love is like a few weeks old baby,if you fail to feed it properly,then the baby becomes malnourished. If you feed and care for your relationship with all i have written,then you have all cause to be happy ever after.

How to stop arguing with your partner

"I tried talking things out with her calmly,yet with just few words from me,she flares up,i am confused,why are we always arguing"

Are you in a relationship,or already married?Do you find it a arguing very challenging? Well it is very common to see two people in a relationship not agreeing in little or every matter.But as it is often said,there are solutions to every problem. Realize that arguments can ruin a relationship, can vanquish love,on this note,it is time to change things to preserve the love you both feel for each other.

There are three factor that strikes up argument.The first one is differences.This is true because humans are created with different likes and dislikes.One man's meat is another man's poison.Different views on a particular matter can cause you both to fall into serious argument. The second factor is lack of understanding. Many find it hard understanding their loved one,like the example i cited at the beginning of this post.The third reason is lack of deep concern. Sometimes saying things,not even caring how your partner feels.

Therefore, how can you overcome this challenge or arguing? There are some questions you need to ask yourself. These questions are as follows:
1.What makes us argue?
2.Do i need to work on my emotions?
3.Do i show it in my words and actions that i really value his or her opinion, likes,and wants?

Here is an advice,learn to talk things calmly,perhaps late at night, sharing together your likes and dislikes,try to agree on a solution,at this point,try to control your temper.Futhermore,do not always want your own desire or want stands,don't be selfish,consider that of your lover also.When an issue arise,don't just flare up,ask questions like "why do you want this", then explain calmly how you also feel about it,talk about the outcome,weigh the circumstances involved,then you can be able to agree.

It's not always easy,but it's worth the effort to try it out,instead of tearing down your relationship, you will rather build each other up in love.

Saturday 11 June 2016

How to fight bad breathe

Bad is generally considered as offensive and unacceptable. It can cause embarrassment,frustration and anguish.The fact is that,it is very much easy to identify those with bad breath,but have failed completely,checking out personally if you are also a victim.

There are so many factors and activities that can contribute to bad breath,in other words mouth odor,and if unchecked can result to total shame.These factors includes gum disease, poor oral hygiene, which is the most common factor,mouth dryness,tooth decay to mention just a few. But i am only going to dwell more on what can be done to help tackle this problem.

If you must know this,Minty chewing gum can't help in defeating this problem. Also realize too that the activities by various bacteria in the mouth contributes to bad breath.A little leftover food substance in the mouth or in between your teeth especially can serve as meal for millions of bacteria,therefore one important step to fighting bad breath is to maintain proper oral hygiene. Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day,morning and night at bed time.

Sometimes,our toothbrush may not properly wash some part of your teeth,like those at the rear,so it is important too that you floss your mouth regularly. It is important too that you pay close attention too to the tongue,scrub gently with your tooth brush,the tongue is considered to be the best hiding place for bacteria and can cause bad breath too.

But what if despite your relentless effort,you still have bad breathe. Then you should seek the aid of the dentist to help you.

Friday 10 June 2016

The benefits of grapes.

Grapes tastes very good especially when used to make wines or when used as a recipe on your salad.Most fitting is the fact that,it can be used as medicines,used to build up the blood of a person suffering from anemia.

Grapes comes in various colors,such as green,deep purple also ranging in size too.Super amazing is the fact that,when grapes are in bunch,it can serve as decorations on the table in the living room.

Grapes can survive in any kind of soil,but prefers the most fertile soil.It can also adapt to any kind of weather,although the taste can be a little bit different. For example,when grown under a very cold weather, during the stage of ripening, the fruit can become acidic and a little bit sour,but when grown under a hot weather, the acid content becomes lower and taste very good.It ripens and taste good usually in august and september.

In ancient times,it enhance recreation. When plugged, it's put in a large created meshing space, then meshed with their bare foot as they sing and enjoy nice time,but with the advancement of science and technology, the process is different. But one fact stands out,over centuries, it have one of the most enjoyable consumable when you talk in terms of wine consumption.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

How to get a man's attention.

Look at the picture attached to this post.Funny,isn't it?You will agree that she is very much interested in that guy,but he seems to show no interest and even irritated. Well,do you feel no one is attracted to you?To be frank,it's a real problem, but i will tell you things that can scare guys away from you and what can be done.

Ladies desire a man's attention. They want to be viewed as attractive and desirable.This time,you just don't want to gain the attention of just any guy but a cool,handsome and responsible kind of guy.Or maybe you have someone in mind you so desire, and each time you try to get close,he runs away.Well consider these following factors.

A responsible,cool and handsome guy ready to have a relationship desire a beautiful woman,physically and in attitude. Your attitude tells so much on the kind of person you are.Are you kind and gentle,are you respectful,do you speak mildly,do you learn to smile and let go when offended,are you contented,do you complain a lot,are you too materialistic.Positive answers to these questions will help you a lot,try walk on them.Well that's about inner beauty.

Physical appearance is also very important. It is often said that the way you dress is the way you will be addressed. Learn to dress properly and decently. That is not limited to when you going out,even while at home,try to look beautiful.Be more concerned about cleanliness, especially during your days of mensuration.Be more concerned to about your vocabulary. Learn to speak well,ofcourse you do not need to pretend to be what you are not,just be yourself,use your normal voice but correctly.Who are your friends?Move with people who can influence you for good.The group of company you keep can attract him to you.Do not always wear a moody face,learn to smile,it will make you look really really beautiful.

Take note that you do not need to throw yourself completely on him,Just be sexy and apply all I've explained. When you caught sight of him,just wink and smile,immediately turn your face away as if that's all,while your look beautiful, he will be amazed.Next time,try something different,like smiling beautifully at him.

Funny isn't it,but helps if you are very carefully try it...

Tuesday 7 June 2016

10 benefit of coconut oil

The following are just but a few benefit of coconut oil to our health.

1.Coconut oil supports the thyroid gland and helps it functions properly.

2.It contains basic essential nutrients needed in the body.

3.It helps kill yeast in the guts.

4.It helps boost metabolism.

5.It improves autism in children.

6.It impoves insulin level.

7.It is essential to weight loss.

8.It aids digestion,and helps regulate body temperature.

9.When applied directly to the skin,it refreshes the skin,makes it looks beautiful and healthy.

10.It helps fight eczema.

The benefits of apologizing

Funny isn't it? "Am sorry" happens to be the hardest word to say,most times pride gets in the way,making us feel too big to admit our mistakes and just say sorry.But you will definitely agree with me that the word"sorry" really helps in every relationship,believe me when i say,every relationship will have one problem or two,disagreement will surely arise in the process,but it takes too long for most of us to settle because we find it so hard to admit our mistakes and say sorry.

Simply put,sorry mean you admit that you are guilty of an offense and wants to resolve it admicably.One of the most important quality both partners involved in a relationship,is the ability to admit error without prolonging issues and apologize at once.Peace is essential if you want to enjoy your relationship.

What if you find it hard to say i am sorry?To be frank,you have allowed pride take the better part of you.Let me help you.This is what you should do.You want to be humble, gentle and mild.Humility is the opposite of pride,therefore if you are humble and lowly,it will be easier for you to admit your mistakes and say sorry.Another important thing that you should do is you should learn to control your temper,take a deep breath,acknowledge that this is the person you claim to love with your whole heart and will do everything possible to make him or her happy, always keep that in your mind,it will help you to be calm and admit your mistake and say sorry.

Please realize that when you say sorry,it does not make you a fool,but proves you are wise and value your relationship. If your partner has this quality of apologizing and doing so on time, and you strive to do the same,my goodness,you will enjoy the happiness true love brings.

Friday 3 June 2016

Love quotes and their applications

Love is not just a word comprising of four letters,rather it's a feeling of romantic attraction toward someone of the opposite sex.Love is a beautiful feeling that when cherished and fed,it will never go malnourished. I want to sharr with you some of the popular love quotes you've heard and find out what to do to apply them in your relationship.

I love you: A very common phrase to express how you feel toward him or her.Very fitting to end every conversation during the day,when gifts are extended or recieved,when he or she does something very spectacular,and also before you fall asleep at night.

You are my hero/heroine:Rather than look up to someone to help you with your emotional problems,rely on his or her ability. With the strength and love that exist between you two,you can conquer the world.He can conquer the world with his right hand,if you hold on to his left.Do not leave each other behind,especially when problem comes.

I trust you:Trust is a difficult word,but it pays so much.Love is trust.He trusts you,she trusts you,try live up to it,never let each other down.You do not want to cheat on him or her,make him/her all you've got.

I am all yours:It involves every part of you,your heart and body.Ofcourse i mean,loving him/her with your heart spiced with physical romance,coupled with the taste of each others lips.Do not feel ashamed to tell people about her,neither should you be shy to hold her hands with confidence in the public and make her feel secure.

I'll die for you:Well this does not always involves dying physically. It also involves sacrificing all you've got to the benefit of him/her,especially your time.Ladies needs to be cuddled and wants to be heard.Sacrifice time out of no time to respond to her emotional needs.

You know i care:This also involves physical and emotional care.Buy him/her things he/she will appreciate. It doesn't really have to be expensive, a gift helps your lover knows you have his/her interest at heart.When it comes to emotional needs,you do not need to be told when to kiss him/her,maintain bodily romances,warm hugs,kisses.It will also be fun to branch out sometimes.Go to the beach, parties, parks,cinemas and so on..Practice things that you both love.Does she have a good voice, sing for him.Can he crack jokes,then make her laugh.

These are just little,keep following as i will be bringing you more tips on how to feed your relationship.

Benefits of smiling

Smile is an obvious display of happiness.Many find it very hard to smile,some will say well it's not my makeup.But smiling helps so so much,and guess what,it have been scientifically proven that smiling inproves your health.

Imagine this scenario.After a whole lots of work in the office you are stressed up,on your way home, you find yourself engaged in a conversation that gets you angry.On getting home,the first face you sighted is that of a loved one,having smiles on his or her face.How satisfied and anger relieved you will be.That's one of the benefit.When you feel depressed and tensed,smile helps you alleviate tension and frustration.

When you are emotionally deppressed,a smile puts your mind at ease thereafter.Remember i said that it have been scientifically proven that a smile which brings out laugter improves the health.You may ask at this point,but how?

There is a popular saying that"laughter is the best medicine."That's true, it prevents you from growing older than your age,reduces anxiety,and face wrinkling. It is a good antidote to hypertension.Let me whisper again to you,it increases your life span.