Sunday 19 June 2016

Benefits of massaging your baby

Massaging thier babies after taking their bath is so common amongst women in west africa,nigeria to be precise.But most are the benefits of performing this task and this goes to all mothers.

Massages builds strong bond of love between the baby and the mother.It helps the baby feel relaxed and its capable of toning up the skin of your baby.It's an opportunity to express how much you love your baby.While you perform this soft and tender act,you can accompany it with singing,talking and smiling,do not underestimate these because it makes them feel loved.

Massaging helps relieve stress and helps your baby sleep peacefully. Futhermore,massaging also helps in regulating the body system,which includes the circulatory system,digestive system and the respiratory system.It also helps to develop your baby stamina.Baby massage involves making use of your hands and gentle fingers,places to massage includes your baby hands,back legs,toes and thigh.

Remember,this is an advisable method of creating a stong bond of love between you and yoyr child.

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