Saturday 11 June 2016

How to fight bad breathe

Bad is generally considered as offensive and unacceptable. It can cause embarrassment,frustration and anguish.The fact is that,it is very much easy to identify those with bad breath,but have failed completely,checking out personally if you are also a victim.

There are so many factors and activities that can contribute to bad breath,in other words mouth odor,and if unchecked can result to total shame.These factors includes gum disease, poor oral hygiene, which is the most common factor,mouth dryness,tooth decay to mention just a few. But i am only going to dwell more on what can be done to help tackle this problem.

If you must know this,Minty chewing gum can't help in defeating this problem. Also realize too that the activities by various bacteria in the mouth contributes to bad breath.A little leftover food substance in the mouth or in between your teeth especially can serve as meal for millions of bacteria,therefore one important step to fighting bad breath is to maintain proper oral hygiene. Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day,morning and night at bed time.

Sometimes,our toothbrush may not properly wash some part of your teeth,like those at the rear,so it is important too that you floss your mouth regularly. It is important too that you pay close attention too to the tongue,scrub gently with your tooth brush,the tongue is considered to be the best hiding place for bacteria and can cause bad breath too.

But what if despite your relentless effort,you still have bad breathe. Then you should seek the aid of the dentist to help you.

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