Friday 3 June 2016

Love quotes and their applications

Love is not just a word comprising of four letters,rather it's a feeling of romantic attraction toward someone of the opposite sex.Love is a beautiful feeling that when cherished and fed,it will never go malnourished. I want to sharr with you some of the popular love quotes you've heard and find out what to do to apply them in your relationship.

I love you: A very common phrase to express how you feel toward him or her.Very fitting to end every conversation during the day,when gifts are extended or recieved,when he or she does something very spectacular,and also before you fall asleep at night.

You are my hero/heroine:Rather than look up to someone to help you with your emotional problems,rely on his or her ability. With the strength and love that exist between you two,you can conquer the world.He can conquer the world with his right hand,if you hold on to his left.Do not leave each other behind,especially when problem comes.

I trust you:Trust is a difficult word,but it pays so much.Love is trust.He trusts you,she trusts you,try live up to it,never let each other down.You do not want to cheat on him or her,make him/her all you've got.

I am all yours:It involves every part of you,your heart and body.Ofcourse i mean,loving him/her with your heart spiced with physical romance,coupled with the taste of each others lips.Do not feel ashamed to tell people about her,neither should you be shy to hold her hands with confidence in the public and make her feel secure.

I'll die for you:Well this does not always involves dying physically. It also involves sacrificing all you've got to the benefit of him/her,especially your time.Ladies needs to be cuddled and wants to be heard.Sacrifice time out of no time to respond to her emotional needs.

You know i care:This also involves physical and emotional care.Buy him/her things he/she will appreciate. It doesn't really have to be expensive, a gift helps your lover knows you have his/her interest at heart.When it comes to emotional needs,you do not need to be told when to kiss him/her,maintain bodily romances,warm hugs,kisses.It will also be fun to branch out sometimes.Go to the beach, parties, parks,cinemas and so on..Practice things that you both love.Does she have a good voice, sing for him.Can he crack jokes,then make her laugh.

These are just little,keep following as i will be bringing you more tips on how to feed your relationship.

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