Tuesday 14 June 2016

Honey ants, Australian's delicacy for desert

While i went for  a trip to Australia,i discovered the beauty and sweetness of honey ants,australians delicacy for dessert,wow it tasted so good.

I went into the arib scrub north of alice spring in australia filled with sandy soil,below a mulga tree,i noticed tiny living creatures,i was so curious that i had to go beyond that depth,for about a metre,guess what i saw,it was the honey ants.

Honey ants can be discovered anytime of the year,but preferably during winter season.Australians said it is their most enjoyable desert.Honey ants stores nectar inside the living bodies of the repletes,then when its time to withdraw them,the honey ants uses it's antennas to tap the right code of the repletes antennas,the then repletes will open it's mouth and unlock the honey pots.

But you may wonder. Where do this honey come from? well it begins with the sap and nectar of the acacia tree,then the aphid which are also tiny insects feed on these natural juices.If the worker ants do not collect juice directly from the acacia tree,they sip some of the honey dew from the aphids, and deposit to the repletes.

Hard working ants,isn't it.You need to have a taste of this desert,another said it is the most enjoyable bush meal.

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