Monday 13 June 2016

How to nourish your relationship

How do you feel about being in love?Many says its the best feeling ever,while others says love hurts.Whatever the case may be,being in a happy relationship brings happiness. In reality,a relationship is like a few weeks old baby,if you do not feed and care for it properly, then the baby experiences malnutrition.

To this end,your relationship needs to be fed with admiring attitudes or let me make use of the word morals,so it will never become malnourished.

There are three important morals that serves as healthy food to our relationship. These are:

Love:Everyone is designed with the ability to love in different ways.If you learn to love him/her genuinely from your heart,then you will surely be happy.Love for your partner will help you avoid being selfish and materialistic.It will also help you control your emotions and speak in a kind and loving way.It will help you be quick to make peace and forgive him/her.

Kindness:Another act of feeding your relationship involves being kind.Most times gifts goes a long way to prove how loving you are.But take note,buying gift is not only the duty of the male in the picture,it should be from both parties.These gift may not necessarily be an expensive gift,could be gift like flowers,rings,necklaces, shirts,pants,shoes and so many others.And because you are not being too materialistic, rather than devalue whatever you are given,love will move you to appreciate. The truth is,when you appreciate little things,the giver will be motivated to do more.

Honesty:This is very important. Most relationship have been broken as a result of lack of honesty.You should learn to always speak the truth.Love will enable you to be true.If you love him/her,you won't have to share your feelings he/she alone deserves with other men/ladies.Be open in communicating,express your feelings honestly toward him/her.

Like i did mention ealier,love is like a few weeks old baby,if you fail to feed it properly,then the baby becomes malnourished. If you feed and care for your relationship with all i have written,then you have all cause to be happy ever after.

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