Wednesday 22 June 2016

How to protect your child from sexual abuse

While you were still a child,you were molested sexually,even after you've grown this older,the pain in you still remains the same.In reality,child abuse is very common in the world today,you should have the urge now to protect your child against sexual abuse in other not for him/her fall into the same long lasting pain.

As an adult,you've acquired knowledge and experience, do not feel shy or reluctant to talk to your child about sex.There are basic steps you should take so as to protect your child from being molested sexually.Most times we feel that predators lurk around your home,seeking ways to kidnap your daughter and rape her,well that's true.However, there are still other ways predators work toward their desire to rape your child.For example,they make use of flashy gifts to attract them to their own home,there are some others too.But the first help you can render is teaching. Educates your child about this,train her/him on resisting the urge of being swayed by sugarcoated mouth especially from strangers.If you place your child under some else care,be sure to know the in and out of the person.If your child complains about him/her,like the ways he/she is being touched,spoken to or acted to,be careful to listen.Ask questions,yes,so many questions like,what did he/she do to you,where did he/she touch you,what kind of words did he/she say to you?If after getting reasonable answers,please act,especially of she/he says she/he doesn't like him.

Another very important step involves spending time with your children. Get yourself involved deeply in her/his activities. If she/he have a phone, over time,check his or her phone. From text messages to online chat and so on.If you find anything fishy in it,do not just discipline him or her with the rod,something discipline is better served with words of mouth.Carefully call her/his attention to it,explain where the road leads,it's effect and protection.

Did you notice that"she" comes first before "he". Well this is because girls are often the most common victim.However, it might interest you to know that your boy can also be influenced, therefore,administer the same training and discipline to him.It is loving to do this, having known the pain it brings cause you are a victim or not,do not let him/her experience such pain too.

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