Tuesday 7 June 2016

The benefits of apologizing

Funny isn't it? "Am sorry" happens to be the hardest word to say,most times pride gets in the way,making us feel too big to admit our mistakes and just say sorry.But you will definitely agree with me that the word"sorry" really helps in every relationship,believe me when i say,every relationship will have one problem or two,disagreement will surely arise in the process,but it takes too long for most of us to settle because we find it so hard to admit our mistakes and say sorry.

Simply put,sorry mean you admit that you are guilty of an offense and wants to resolve it admicably.One of the most important quality both partners involved in a relationship,is the ability to admit error without prolonging issues and apologize at once.Peace is essential if you want to enjoy your relationship.

What if you find it hard to say i am sorry?To be frank,you have allowed pride take the better part of you.Let me help you.This is what you should do.You want to be humble, gentle and mild.Humility is the opposite of pride,therefore if you are humble and lowly,it will be easier for you to admit your mistakes and say sorry.Another important thing that you should do is you should learn to control your temper,take a deep breath,acknowledge that this is the person you claim to love with your whole heart and will do everything possible to make him or her happy, always keep that in your mind,it will help you to be calm and admit your mistake and say sorry.

Please realize that when you say sorry,it does not make you a fool,but proves you are wise and value your relationship. If your partner has this quality of apologizing and doing so on time, and you strive to do the same,my goodness,you will enjoy the happiness true love brings.

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