Wednesday 8 June 2016

How to get a man's attention.

Look at the picture attached to this post.Funny,isn't it?You will agree that she is very much interested in that guy,but he seems to show no interest and even irritated. Well,do you feel no one is attracted to you?To be frank,it's a real problem, but i will tell you things that can scare guys away from you and what can be done.

Ladies desire a man's attention. They want to be viewed as attractive and desirable.This time,you just don't want to gain the attention of just any guy but a cool,handsome and responsible kind of guy.Or maybe you have someone in mind you so desire, and each time you try to get close,he runs away.Well consider these following factors.

A responsible,cool and handsome guy ready to have a relationship desire a beautiful woman,physically and in attitude. Your attitude tells so much on the kind of person you are.Are you kind and gentle,are you respectful,do you speak mildly,do you learn to smile and let go when offended,are you contented,do you complain a lot,are you too materialistic.Positive answers to these questions will help you a lot,try walk on them.Well that's about inner beauty.

Physical appearance is also very important. It is often said that the way you dress is the way you will be addressed. Learn to dress properly and decently. That is not limited to when you going out,even while at home,try to look beautiful.Be more concerned about cleanliness, especially during your days of mensuration.Be more concerned to about your vocabulary. Learn to speak well,ofcourse you do not need to pretend to be what you are not,just be yourself,use your normal voice but correctly.Who are your friends?Move with people who can influence you for good.The group of company you keep can attract him to you.Do not always wear a moody face,learn to smile,it will make you look really really beautiful.

Take note that you do not need to throw yourself completely on him,Just be sexy and apply all I've explained. When you caught sight of him,just wink and smile,immediately turn your face away as if that's all,while your look beautiful, he will be amazed.Next time,try something different,like smiling beautifully at him.

Funny isn't it,but helps if you are very carefully try it...

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