Friday 17 June 2016

Precautions and advice about pregnancy

Health is wealth as it is often said.To keep yourself and your baby safe during pregnancy, there are certain precautions and advice you should put into good use.

First precautions involves staying off completely from alcohol.Alcohol increases the risk of your child having physical and mental disabilities.

Make it your habit of eating both fruits and vegetables each day.Control your salt intake and make sure you drink lots of water.Tin food should also be avoided during pregnancy. If you'd love to eat salad,make sure it's prepared by you alone,wash all its ingredients properly. Avoid eating road side food,also keep fatty food in moderation.

Maintain proper self and environmental hygiene.Avoid coming in contact with infected persons in other not to put your baby's life at risk.

Stay away from drugs except those prescribed by your doctor.Always visit your health center for advice.When you do,don't just stay quiet,ask questions, especially if you notice any change in you.

Do not overstress yourself,that is why it is always advisable that you get a caregiver during pregnancy.

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