Thursday 30 June 2016

How to prevent our meal from contaminations.

This post title sounds strange right?Well not really.To be more candid,sometimes illness display itself through the food we eat.It have been confirmed that vast majority have fallen sick and as a result,death occurs,due to the contamination found in the food we eat.

What then can bring about these contamination, and what can be done to help fix this problem? Well, there are four basic things that can bring about these contaminations.These are:

1.Raw food which are already contaminated.

2.Meals prepared by an infected person.

3.Improper storage.

4.Lack of proper cooking or boiling.

What then can be done to make your food safer for you.These are just basic step you need to put into good use.

When you buy any food stuff home, make sure you wash your hands properly with soap and water before touching anything. A common mistake women makes is the fact that,they sometimes forget to cover their hair while in the kitchen,you do not want to make that mistake too.You also need to wash all food stuff clean before preparing.

Very important is the need to boil or cook your food properly,especially food from the poultry like red meat,chicken,turkey and the likes of them,so as to kill all bacterials in them.Some meals needs to be parboiled, before normal cooking.

If after cooking, you not ready to eat,it is advisable that you store your food properly,in a warmer,if you won't keep it for a long time before eating.However, if it should be stored in a freezer,which is much better,do well to rewarm properly before eating too.

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