Thursday 7 July 2016

How to be a good parent

Parenting, i will say is a very big challenge in today's world.Your way of bringing up a child will obviously reflect on the kind of person your child will be tommorow. Sadly most parents have failed in this regard of raising children, but you won't fail.It's all about knowing what to do,and how to do it.I have travelled far and wide,i have seen how successful many parents have been in raising their childen,and i want to share with you some of the things they've done so as to be a good parent.

Obviously,there are three important steps that must be carried out so as to be a good parent.These steps include communication, commendation,and respect.

Many parents feel that they've trained their children well,but their bad behavior is as a result of the environment they once lived while they were young.I don't believe that and neither should you.To be a good parent believe me require hard work,and it is something you can achieve regardless of the environment.

Children needs include love,care and attention. In a very immoral environment, you want to be very chaste when it come to morals.To gain your child's attention,you want to be a loving parent.These starts with good communication.You can't achieve that if you aren't available or unapproachable. You want to create enough time each day to communicate with your kids.Try to be their best friend,so as to know how they feel,what they are thinking.

You can motivate your child by expressing confidence in him or her.For example,you know the environment you live is not a conducive one,and you've given your child guidelines on what to do and what not to do,at the tail end,tell him or her,that you trust he or she will make you proud.If he or she talks about his or her achievement morally,give commendation, and also encourage him or her to keep it up.

But take note that the way you talk and act will either build your child positively or negatively. As it is often said "action speaks louder and much clearer than words". You want to raise responsible children,be responsible especially in your words and action.For example, you are talking to a female child about why it is not good to keep late night as a girl,do you keep late night as a mother? You want to be teachable in word and actions.

Like i said,it's very much a challenge that requires hard work.But it is achievable, it all start with what i have highlighted.

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