Monday 11 July 2016

How to cope with emotional abuse

At one time in your life,you experience situations that leaves you emotionally broken.As these memories flashes like rays of the sun in your mind,it drives you to tears.You try to let go,but often time it just keep coming.You can get so frustrated especially when you are happy during the day,and at night you cry until you see the light of the day.Well,do not think you are losing your mind,it's just that you have so much been broken and don't know what to do to help your situation.

Emotional challenges may seem very overwhelming but there are solutions to this problem.When it happens to you,it's not out of place to cry,but after you do,it is advicable that you reflect on how you can fix yourself and be happy again.I am here to show you how.

First of all,if you find out that sad memories keeps tormenting you,its time to let a second party help in carrying your burden.What i mean is,try to talk things out with a close friend.Do not feel reluctant or shy to express yourself, because you just want to lift that heavy burden off your heart.

Before you go to bed,once the memory comes again,do not sit in there are let it take away your happiness, try listen to music or just read something cool,before you know it,you will sleep off. And the more you do that,you will begin to forget the pain it has caused you gradually.

Do not isolate yourself during the day,engage yourself with work,if you less busy,be around friends, who can make you happy.Try go places like the gym,movies, parks,beaches,anywhere nice,believe me,it can heal that wound in your heart really fast.Do not let go of yourself, be strong and be happy again.


  1. We are all in control of our own thoughts and as quick as we can think of something negative or something that has hurt us in the past we are just as able to think of something positive and happy. It is hard to master because the brain is more responsive to negativity but it can be done with practice.

    How I deal with this sort of problem is to embrace the negative thoughts that come into my head, I listen to them but then I say goodbye to them and make myself think of something that has made or makes me feel happy. The hug from a loved one, the sound of the birds singing, chocolate, the smile from a stranger... the list is endless. Don't let the negativity out weigh the positivity, you are in control n of your thoughts nobody else makes you think ! Try it , then master it.

  2. We are all in control of our own thoughts and as quick as we can think of something negative or something that has hurt us in the past we are just as able to think of something positive and happy. It is hard to master because the brain is more responsive to negativity but it can be done with practice.

    How I deal with this sort of problem is to embrace the negative thoughts that come into my head, I listen to them but then I say goodbye to them and make myself think of something that has made or makes me feel happy. The hug from a loved one, the sound of the birds singing, chocolate, the smile from a stranger... the list is endless. Don't let the negativity out weigh the positivity, you are in control n of your thoughts nobody else makes you think ! Try it , then master it.

  3. We are all in control of our own thoughts and as quick as we can think of something negative or something that has hurt us in the past we are just as able to think of something positive and happy. It is hard to master because the brain is more responsive to negativity but it can be done with practice.

    How I deal with this sort of problem is to embrace the negative thoughts that come into my head, I listen to them but then I say goodbye to them and make myself think of something that has made or makes me feel happy. The hug from a loved one, the sound of the birds singing, chocolate, the smile from a stranger... the list is endless. Don't let the negativity out weigh the positivity, you are in control n of your thoughts nobody else makes you think ! Try it , then master it.
