Thursday 14 July 2016

How to relieve back pain

Back pain can be really disturbing.It is quite similar to the headache too.There are different factors that can contribute to back pain. These factors includes:
-Bad posture
-Weak muscle

Sometimes,improper sitting and standing can cause severe back pain.To allow your muscle function properly, it is advisable to maintain good posture.

Someone who is overweight is likely to have back pain constantly. To avoid this regular problem,first of all,you want to shed off excess weight.This you can do by regular exercise each day.It will surely help relieve the pain.However, even when the pain is no more,that is not a prerequisite to end regular exercise,you should continue.

You should also take note too that when you're trying to lift up heavy object,try not to make use of your back muscle,rather make use of your arm muscle.

It is necessary that you cut down stress.It is the most common factor that can contribute to having back pain.

But if you feel pain now,seek for massage with a balm,it can go a long way to help relieve the pain.

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