Wednesday 13 July 2016

How to protect yourself from gum disease

One of the world's common oral related problem is gum disease.It is a serious health problem that sure will make you restless because of the pain it produces can either prevent you from eating,or can hinder you from chewing properly.

There are different causes of gum problem.It could be as a result of a formed bacteria in between the teeth called dental plaque,which can result in gum related problem,such as swelling.

Another cause of gum problem is poor oral hygiene. Which is the lack of regular brushing or flossing. Another facts that can contribute to gum problem involves smoking, drinking,too much intake of sugary things,and so on.Do you knows that diseases such as diabetes,and other internal body infections can contribute to gum related problems?

But it has a solution.If you have gum related problems,speak to a dentist to help.But to prevent yourself from gum related problems,there are basic hygiene instructions you should follow.

Make it your habit to brush twice a day.When you brush,make sure you make use of a brush with soft bristles,then scrub gently.It is also advisable that you cut down the intake of junks,sugary things,alcohol and tobacco intake.

Before going to bed or after dinner,it is important that you floss.Flossing helps to remove all tiny food substance in between your teeth,thereby preventing bacteria.

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