Sunday 10 July 2016

Lies doesn't build a good relationship

Once upon a time,you felt love burning in your heart like a fiery furnace,itching your mouth to say "yes" to start a journey on a a quite different page. True,everyone yearns to be love and be loved in return.Love is a beautiful feeling expressed by two individuals attached romantically to each other.When you find yourself in a relationship with someone, you probably aim to spend the rest of your lives together, wow,how romantic. However,despite the fact that it is a beautiful feeling,love itself can sometimes be ruined without repair as a result of lies.

Lies or speaking untruthfully can damage a relationship. Many feels that when you tell a lie to your relationship mate,you just have to keep lying to preserve the relationship, and everything will work out fine.But i don't think so,because when you keep telling lies, and one day the truth finally comes up,then your relationship might fall and shatter like a broken vase smashed to the floor,which cannot be reformed.

True,sometimes lies can be forgiven,but you have lost the trust he or she once had in you.That's how serious lying to him or her can be,you will later find out that,doubts and suspicion will be at the surface of his or her mind each time you say something.

Love then can be weakened,a life that started on a plain and beautiful page but latet stained by malicious lies.Think about what brought you together,you both do not deserve to cry.

A tool to building a loving relationship is quitting lies.Learn to tell him or her the truth and preserve the love and trust you both have in each other,and you will find out that your relationship will last longer than you can ever imagine.Your best friend is your relationship mate,try to treat him or her with decency and respect.

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