Sunday 24 July 2016

Love at first sight,can it be real love?

Appearance and attitude can be deceiving sometimes.

I was invited to a party at a friends house,believe me,it was fun.At first i was shy to go in,so i just wait outside,walk around while i drink champagne. I have been singe for a long time,and this time i was desperate to find love,but i didn't want to make mistakes i made in the past.

As i moved around in amongst few people outside, everyone was paired.They all came with their lover,i felt lonely,i had to sit and gaze.My quietness that minute didn't make me enjoy the party,i had to go inside to enjoy the real groove.

As i stepped inside,the music was loud,champagne flowed as they all danced.While shaking my body a little bit to feel among,i caught sight of a very charming face.I couldn't help it but gaze at him,not too long i got his attention.

Few minutes later,he came to me and wanted a dance.I felt like I've finally found someone.After dancing,we went outside, we spoke,we laughed and we drank. He was so caring,full of life and love,and above all he is handsome. We exchanged numbers and parted ways.

Not too long,he proposed, without a rethink,i accepted and we got married. The whole story changed few weeks after marriage. Freddy seem like a stranger to me,he beats me,he engaged himself in extramarital affairs, we argue a lot,though we live together,i was a thousand miles away from his heart,nothing seems right.I realized that he wasn't the kind of man i wanted,i wish i wasn't too desperate.

To all who wants to be loved,take your time and know that guy of girl you are attracted to.Looks can be deceiving, do not fall for what he or she has,but what he or she truly is.I made a mistake,do not make the same mistake,even if you are desperately in need of love.

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